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What major are we looking at?


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For a couple of years, ds has thought he would major in business, but I've been unsure of that because I have my MBA and there are aspects that I think are "off" or not really a good fit for ds. He does have the entrepreneurial spirit and spent a couple of years in playing with a server business, but he seems to be developing a passion for economics. He is wrapping up AP Macroeconomics this semester and will self-study for AP Microeconomics. He is waiting to hear back from his teacher on a suggestion for an econ class senior year. Nearly every day he wants to talk about an application of what he's learned in econ and in stats to current events.


He's followed local money and politics for a couple of years. "How is that bridge being financed?"  He's not interested in individual politicians, but more so in policy and the choices governments make.


He likes language studies and if there were more hours to the day, he would add Arabic to his Spanish and he enjoys history and analyzing cause and effect.


Dh has friends whose undergraduate degrees are Bachelor's of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown.  The description is kind of what I have in mind, but Georgetown is out for so very many reasons. What else is out there that I don't know about.


I've been worried that ds may be looking at schools more for the experience than the education - metropolitan areas, sailing, and across country.  However, last night he did an about face on his reach school when he saw that their school of business was ranked only a couple of places higher than his safety, but with a price tag that was $154,000 more than the safety. The new reach is on the west coast and has a lower price tag than the original.


We are going to get a lot further in our search if we know what major we are looking for.

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Sounds like Econ would be a good fit. Usually, an Econ major is able to double major if the other major is in the same school. Typically ,it is housed in the liberal arts school. Econ/ Poly sci is a pretty popular combo...and maybe a triple major with Lang? I don't know. I think every school offers Econ though, so it won't help to narrow your choices. Maybe law school down the road? Just brainstorming with you...

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I think you might be looking more at public policy & and also Finance (which in some unis is separate from business and economics)

Also International Relations. IR is the sister faculty to Political Science & many of us straddled back & forth... 


You could think about doing a split major/minor too. IR with econ or poli sci with finance etc....

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I think the combo of public policy and finance is pretty brilliant. Finance is typically in the buisness school and public Policy isn't, so it would depend on the school wether they would"let" him double major. We have run into lots of red tape with majors in two different schools at the same university. The cores are different, so it may mean seem extra time in school as well. What does he want to do when he is finished with his formal education?

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