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Proofreaders and Parents, How do these letters from the teacher sound?

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I am teaching 2 classes in a co-op starting on Wednesday. I am planning on having snacks and wanted the parents to know. I also wanted them to know what stuff we will be doing..... I want to set a friendly tone, since this is a somewhat informal homeschool co-op. I dont' want to sound too teacher-ish, but like I know what I am doing. Ya' know?!


Thanks for your help!

Dear Parents,

I do hope you all had a fabulous summer! We certainly did, but it was WAY too short!!! I am very excited about teaching your children, and I hope they enjoy the class as much as I have enjoyed preparing for it!

I wanted to fill you in a little on what we will be doing over the next 12 weeks. As you know, Five In A Row (FIAR) is a literature based unit study for young students. Since I only have one hour a week, I am going to try to pack as much in as I can. We will discuss literary terms as they come up, do art projects and discuss the Character Traits of the people in the story, based on the FIAR Christian Character supplement. Our Bible verses will be from the NIV.

I also wanted to let you know that we may have snacks occasionally. If your child has any food allergies or sensitivities, please let me know as soon as you can, and I will make sure to notify you before we have a snack so you can give me your input, and, if necessary, provide a substitute for your little one.

These are the books we will be reading, in order:





Dear Parents,

As the summer winds down and we prepare to return to school activities I wanted to let you know what we will be doing this Fall. I think your children will really enjoy what I have planned!

As you know, Galloping the Globe (GTG) is a geography class. On the first day, the students will receive a 3 ring binder that they need to bring with them every week. The binder has 12 dividers in it with the names of the 12 countries we are going to look at this term.

We will make a flag each week, discuss the geography & climate of the country, and do readings from Children Just Like Me, which shows children from the countries in their native dress, and Missionary Stories from the Miller’s.

In addition, we will be having a savory treat each week representing the foods of the country we are discussing. If your child has any food allergies or sensitivities, please let me know as soon as you can, and I will make sure to email you the recipe so you can check it over beforehand and, if necessary, provide a snack for your little one. We will NOT be serving peanuts, but I cannot guarantee that peanuts have not come into contact with the food, as peanut butter is one of the main food groups at our home.

Here is a list of the Countries we will be studying this term:







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I wouldn't use so many exclamation points in the first paragraph. What ages are you teaching? You might change "little one" to "child."


You do sound very friendly and approachable. Your classes sound fun. And if I had a child with food allergies, I would appreciate your kindness.


Just another thought :) You might have them sign a form stating their children do or do NOT have any food allergies? Just to be a little more proactive.

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Good point about the release. They have filled out a bunch of forms already, but they are all filed in a binder with the director. So this is just sort of a personal touch and show of concern....and well, I asked her about the food allergies and she gave me a name and number for a family, and the little boy was NOT even in my class. :001_rolleyes: That was rather embarrassing. So I thought I'd go a more direct route.

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Hi Cin.


Capitalization for emphasis is only used on the internet; in print you should italicize those letters. Only one exclamation point is permissible. Numbers below twenty should be written out as words, especially in a letter. "Parents" is not a proper noun, so it should not be capitalized. Character traits should not be capitalized either. Five In A Row should be underlined because it's the title of a book.


In the second note, fall should not be capitalized. (You may use autumn to differentiate it from a place one has gotten into by stumbling, if that was your concern.) "Which" is used to refer to people; "that" is used to refer to objects. I'm pretty sure it's Millers, not Miller's, unless there's only one miller and the stories are from some place that belongs to him. The way you list it at the end of the sentence makes it sound like Children Just Like Me includes Missionary Stories with the Millers. You might try using parenthesis there instead since the description of CJLM isn't essential to your point. Countries is not a proper noun. The same issues apply with the numbers, and italicizing for emphasis rather than capitalizing.




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Oh, and email should be e-mail. :) Here, I corrected it.


Dear parents,

I do hope you all had a fabulous summer! We certainly did, but it was way too short! I am very excited about teaching your children, and I hope they enjoy the class as much as I have enjoyed preparing for it!

I wanted to fill you in a little on what we will be doing over the next twelve weeks. As you know, Five In A Row (FIAR) is a literature based unit study for young students. Since I only have one hour a week, I am going to try to pack as much in as I can. We will discuss literary terms as they come up, do art projects and discuss the character traits of the people in the story, based on the FIAR Christian Character supplement. Our Bible verses will be from the NIV.

I also wanted to let you know that we may have snacks occasionally. If your child has any food allergies or sensitivities, please let me know as soon as you can, and I will make sure to notify you before we have a snack so you can give me your input, and, if necessary, provide a substitute for your little one.

These are the books we will be reading, in order:


Dear parents,

As the summer winds down and we prepare to return to school activities I wanted to let you know what we will be doing this fall. I think your children will really enjoy what I have planned!

As you know, Galloping the Globe (GTG) is a geography class. On the first day, the students will receive a three ring binder that they need to bring with them every week. The binder has twelve dividers in it with the names of the twelve countries we are going to look at this term.

We will make a flag each week, discuss the geography & climate of the country, and do readings from Children Just Like Me (that shows children from the countries in their native dress) and Missionary Stories from the Millers.

In addition, we will be having a savory treat each week representing the foods of the country we are discussing. If your child has any food allergies or sensitivities, please let me know as soon as you can, and I will make sure to e-mail you the recipe so you can check it over beforehand and, if necessary, provide a snack for your little one. We will not be serving peanuts, but I cannot guarantee that peanuts have not come into contact with the food, as peanut butter is one of the main food groups at our home.

Here is a list of the countries we will be studying this term:

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