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High School Science Question

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My dd is currently a freshman and is doing biology. I'm thinking ahead to next year, which would traditionally be chemistry, yes? I cannot teach her chemistry. I recognize my limits, lol. So I will definitely need to outsource chemistry. I am currently looking at online options since she's not old enough to dual enroll at the cc.


She and I were discussing science this week, and it dawned on me that maybe we can do a different science next year and let her dual enroll for chemistry in her junior year. I'm tossing that idea around now. FWIW, she is probably not going in to a STEM field.


So here are my questions:


What are your favorite online chemistry options? I plan to look closely at the pinned chemistry post when I have time over Christmas break.


Would it be wise to postpone chemistry and try a different science for 10th grade? I was thinking an A&P but have no idea if that's a smart choice. Opinions?


Would chemistry be a good option for a first DE class?




Thanks a bunch!!


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You could do Environmental Science after biology, and then do Chemistry DE in 11th.  There is an AP Environmental Science exam.  My current plan is to do chemistry in 8th, Biology & ES in 9th and 10th, and then over to the CC for DE for physics and chemistry with labs in 11th/12th.  I can do a basic middle school chemistry class, but also don't feel up to taking on a full lab course for chemistry & physics!  


I don't think I'd do a lab science as a first DE class, I think I will have my dd do a couple of things she's more familiar with like Spanish or Theater or Equine Science first, so that she can get the feel of what a college class is like, deadlines, expectations etc. on a subject that is easy/familiar/highly motivated.


As far as doing ES or even APES at home, I think it's doable, but then I'm an ecologist and can think of a bazillion different outdoor labs!   I think a standard APES text is Living in the Environment by Miller.  There is an Edx class going on right now for APES, and while I don't love the class at all, it has an online textbook, lectures, and labs that are easy to do at home.  So you could check that out for ideas or even enroll her in it to help prep for the AP exam.

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You could do Environmental Science after biology, and then do Chemistry DE in 11th.  There is an AP Environmental Science exam.  My current plan is to do chemistry in 8th, Biology & ES in 9th and 10th, and then over to the CC for DE for physics and chemistry with labs in 11th/12th.  I can do a basic middle school chemistry class, but also don't feel up to taking on a full lab course for chemistry & physics!  



This is excellent advice. This state is big into Environmental Science as a high school science class. A non-AP level class would be interesting and doable by most Moms/students, imho. AP is doable too, just more intense.


There are 7 or so sciences listed on the AA/AS transfer pathways for DE here right now. This may change, since it changed this past year, but it gives you some options. Not all CC's offer all of the sciences, ours never has Geology for example, but it's a good mix.


Edited to add: Middle dd did A&P. Unless the child is STEM oriented or really wanted to do it, I'm not sure I would go there. All of that memorizing, :svengo: lol. It is interesting though!  The class she was in used Apologia but she used Holes.




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What are your favorite online chemistry options? I plan to look closely at the pinned chemistry post when I have time over Christmas break.


Would it be wise to postpone chemistry and try a different science for 10th grade? I was thinking an A&P but have no idea if that's a smart choice. Opinions?


Would chemistry be a good option for a first DE class?



I haven't used an online Chemistry, but have used Apologia and DIVE w/BJU both were very doable for an independent subject without much parental input - maybe some lab help.


There is nothing at all wrong with doing a different science in 10th. The only caution is that it may put more stress on 12th grade. The local State U for example requires 3 years of science and specifically excludes environmental science (the only place I've ever seen that). So if you do a non-standard science now, your dd could be stressed about science her senior year based on some college's weird science requirement or exclusion, where Bio, Chem, Physics is totally safe.


I don't really consider Chemistry a great first DE class (although I did it a million years ago), unless your dd is very strong in math. Most kids taking Chem at college, even intro non-major's chem, will probably have had a chem class in high school. They will start at the beginning and she can certainly do it, but I think it is a bit of a rough spot to get tossed into if science isn't her thing anyway.


I'd seriously consider letting her work through Apologia Chem, maybe with an online coop (I know there are free classes for this).

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