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Spelling app similar to AAS?


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My eight year-old is in AAS5 and has trouble getting words into her long-term memory (short-term is no problem), and needs frequent review to accomplish this. We've been just reviewing the cards from AAS, which works, but it's dull for her and terribly inefficient for me. I've searched for apps, but most of them seem to cater to a level a little below hers, mostly phonograms and basic words. She's completely solid on her letter sounds and the ''teams'' but anything requiring rote memorization (''rule-breakers'', sounds in words that have more than one legitimate candidate, etc.) are very difficult for her. I haven't found any apps that get into the trickier bits, but I'm hoping someone knows of one. It doesn't need to be an instruction substitute at all, just review. Thanks!

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Your 8 yo is doing great! I don't know of an app, but some ways to make review more fun:


Make review into a game. She might enjoy Bake the Cookies or Swatting Phonograms as a fun way of reviewing spelling. For the latter, you can set out a selection of cards or tiles, say a word and have her swat phonograms as she spells it.


You can use a favorite board game like Sorry or Candy-Land. Each player spells a word or answers a card before taking his or her turn. If you have a Trivial Pursuit game, you can substitute the various spelling cards (red, blue, yellow, green) for the types of categories in the game. My kids were always wanting to play Trivial Pursuit but didn't have the knowledge base--this gives kids a fun way to play. 


Or, incorporate tactile and kinesthetic ideas to make review more fun. 



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I have an app "Super Speller: Create Your Own Spelling Tests" for iPad that I'd hoped to use with my kids, only to realize they're probably too young for it still lol. (They were in AAS1 at the time).


You type in and record your own spelling words, so it would be simple to add in words that your daughter needs practice with. It will put them in word searches, scrambled letters to unscramble, say them for the student to type in in practice form and there's also a "test" form. I thought it was pretty great, only took a minute to set it up and is easy to do. I'm definitely going to look into it again when my kids are a little more independent!

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