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A great inter -library loan tool for anyone who loves to read

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http://worldcat.orgThis little website permits you to enter your zip search by title author or subject and then searches all the libraries near you for the text etc even if the search leads across the pond /UK . This is inter library loan on steroids. If your library charges no fee for interlibraryloans this enables you to search from your house on your time and then take the list of requests titles etc to your library. They love me for doing this and I have located some really good stuff-transylvanian cross stitch(who knew?), Fiona MacDonald history books etc. It is just amazing what you can find and gently request from your local library-it is too cool. I hope you enjoy this as much as I have it is a blast for research geeks- yep -that's how we roll.

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I've been using it for several years now via my school library, and love, love, love it.


Whenever SWB recommends something in the SOTW AGs, and says, "Worth getting from inter-library loan," that's where I go. And then I use my school library to ILL history books.


And knitting books. And I've even had some (limited) success ILLing audio books.


Yes, I have.


WorldCat + free ILL through school? Happy, happy mama.

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