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Do you think Lively Latin would work well for my 2nd grader?


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I want to start learning Latin with my dd next school year. She will be 7. Officially, we will be doing second grade, but she works ahead of traditional grade levels in several areas. She is 6.5yo now and currently reads fluently on a fourth grade level, according to a few quick tests we did for fun last week. She is finishing up second grade grammar in FLL, which she catches onto easily, although she doesn't necessarily enjoy it so much. She loves spelling and is almost finished with the All About Spelling Level II book. We will probably make it through at least one more spelling book before summer, as it is one of her favorite subjects and she is an excellent speller. In fact, we haven't come across any words in this spelling book that she didn't know how to spell already. We are doing the book because it contains many helpful rules that I think it is important for her to learn (how to divide syllables, different kinds of syllables, when c says /s/, etc.). I know the recommendation for Lively Latin says 3rd to 6th grade, but I'm just wondering if it might work for her. I have heard it highly praised, and from the reviews I have seen it seems as if it would be a better fit for her than Prima Latina. Thanks for any opinions.

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My advanced 6yo is on Chapter 13 and there has been no difficulty. We've slowed down in anticipation of lessons starting to appear for Level 2.

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My 7yo ds is very much like your dd and is doing great w/ LL. Sometimes if a page requires a great deal of writing, I'll have him dictate (word & spelling) part of it to me. I want Latin to remain an enjoyable challenge (like spelling & doing mental math) for him and not turn it into a burden.

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