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Animals and their World


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Well, I reviewed it pretty early on here:




But, for what it's worth, we didn't last a month.  It didn't hold my 4 year olds attention and my 8 year old already knew so much of this stuff just from watching Wild Kratts that she was bored.  The first read aloud, Ereth's birthday went unfinished because it was it didn't captivate either of my girls.  The height chart was cool.  The note booking was nice.  The amount of activities that they wanted us to do were a bit frustrating.  For example, in the first week they wanted you to stake out your own "small square" and compare it to what you read in the book "One Small Square: Woods."  Well, we live on a prairie.  I didn't plan that out well...  


Anyway, we fizzled out after about 3 weeks but I know for sure that there are many people who loved this program.  Maybe someone with a better review will chime in?

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We tried it years ago and absolutely hated it.  My boys were 6 and 4 1/2.  We had been overwhelmed with Sonlight, but I found the Winterpromise read-alouds to be awful and I hated the TG.  The one good thing to come out of it is that we got a really nice DK Animal Encyclopedia that set DS2 off into a world of studying animals.


I had several customer service issues with WP--things on backorder that were really, really hard to actually get sent to me, and emails with no responses, so that probably biased me against them.



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I bought an old used copy. It was very disjointed, so I reworked it all and added some of my own stuff and took out some of their stuff. Ha--guess I shouldn't have bought it at all! I have no idea if the newer version is better. We love their early American history, though!

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I found it excellent for my Gr. 2 and Gr. 4 children. They are both advanced learners and got a lot out of this - the older one even more. We did almost all of the activities and enjoyed most of the read alouds. For my older child, I added a little more with documentaries, youtube clips, brainpop, etc. Also, some of the activities he did not do, because it was a to simple, but my daughter enjoyed it (the dioramas' for example.)


We liked it so much, that we have continued with other Winterpromise programs.


And yes, the customer service is as bad as they say. Just make sure you order the material long before you need it.

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