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Help with proper slant in cursive writing instruction, please!

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My 8.5yo dd has some learning challenges involving language. So, following verbal instruction is difficult.


Also, she had a great deal of trouble learning to read (we were stuck at the c-v-c stage forever!), struggled with letter reversals in writing, etc.


It has been said that teaching kids who struggle with reversals to write in cursive can help eliminate the reversals.


Well, dd is having a great deal of trouble learning cursive. On top of that, there is no such thing as uniform slant in her handwriting...the letters lean this way and that, they have too many "humps," etc.


I really didn't expect it to be this hard! She has been "dying" to learn cursive and now she is frustrated, crying over handwriting, and generally developing a strong dislike (rapidly approaching hatred) of cursive.


Anyone have some BTDT experience and advice to offer? I'm :bigear:. TIA

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Getting a consistent slant takes a while for most kids, especially if they are struggling with positioning the paper correctly. You can get handwriting paper that has the slant on the page. I found some at Miller Pads and Paper and a conference last year, but I didn't see it on their website.


I really like the Italic handwriting books because they do such a good job at getting the slant right, as well as being simple to learn. The drawback is that there is a learning curve to reading "standard" cursive. My kids had to learn to read my handwriting in cursive:).

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Unfortunately, there are many different writing programs out there and not all are slanted. When dc started in school, their three different teachers taught three different styles, none like the one I was taught.


What I did was buy the practice book with the style I liked and had a them do a page or two a day.


The one I picked was by Essential Learning Products.




It does teach the slant. I recommend limiting how much she does to just below the frustration threshold, even if that's only a few letters at a time.

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Have you considered Handwriting Without Tears cursive? That is what I use. There is no slant in the style.


I believe in focusing on making it legible rather than obtaining a perfect slant or non slant. That is frustrating enough for my son!




We had wailing and gnashing of teeth the whole way through K and 1st grade with print. I gave up and prayed for patience in reading my daughter's handwriting. Now, we use HWT and love it!!! Some people don't like it because it's not "pretty." However, when you have a child who has writing issues, I think it's more important that the letters get taught as simply as possible. Do any of us really have uniform handwriting? That's why they have handwriting analysts to look at documents for forgeries etc. Give it a try and see what you think.


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My 8.5yo dd has some learning challenges involving language. So, following verbal instruction is difficult.


Also, she had a great deal of trouble learning to read (we were stuck at the c-v-c stage forever!), struggled with letter reversals in writing, etc.


It has been said that teaching kids who struggle with reversals to write in cursive can help eliminate the reversals.


Well, dd is having a great deal of trouble learning cursive. On top of that, there is no such thing as uniform slant in her handwriting...the letters lean this way and that, they have too many "humps," etc.


I really didn't expect it to be this hard! She has been "dying" to learn cursive and now she is frustrated, crying over handwriting, and generally developing a strong dislike (rapidly approaching hatred) of cursive.


Anyone have some BTDT experience and advice to offer? I'm :bigear:. TIA


The slant isn't important. Grab HWT and see what happens. It is a great workbook.

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