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Which one of us needs reality check?


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Could you get your husband's parents to remind him what he was like as a child? That he wasn't always obedient, that he was sometimes noisy, that he fought with siblings (if he had siblings)?


(Though this doesn't always work: my own husband was a perfectionist, obedient sort of child, the kind who always did his homework as soon as he got home from school and sat quietly in Sunday School. Even he did things like rappel out of a second story bedroom window with his brothers though. Frequently he will say "I never did that" when the kids are acting up and being rambunctious, and I have to say "yes, I know you probably didn't, but I did--and they got my genes as well as yours!"   :D  )

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This was just a typical night. They have all done worse things. He is one of 5 kids & didn't have strict parents.


He is an introvert so maybe he is having a hard time with the chaos that comes with a house full.


I am an introvert and so is my husband. I also consider myself fairly noise sensitive. Shouting or screeching children are almost painful to me. I've taught my kids from a young age that yelling happens outside. But to this day, I still have to remind them. It's normal, especially for my energetic and extroverted 13 year old with ADHD. She just forgets.


ETA: My 11 month old is experimenting with her voice, so we have shouting and screaming sessions on a near daily basis lately and it's very wearing but hey, that's just how it is. Yesterday she was thrilled to be banging a pot lid on the hard floor. My husband and I were laughing, not only at her grinning and flinching, but at how absolutely annoying it was and yet we found ourselves tolerating it for the sake of a baby who was just happily exploring something new. We were very glad when she lost interest though.

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