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I need a chicken whisperer.

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Life is so scary sometimes. I can't help but think what a stupid post this is, when a family has lost their child. They will never be the same. And selfish as I am, in addition to prayers for them, I pray that I will never know how they feel.


Does anyone with chickens know how to tame them? I'm bringing home from our farmhouse two banties that hate me. I'm going to make the major mistake of letting them live in the corner of my tack room. It's a huge building, the corner is framed in with chicken wire, and there's plenty of room, but I have to wonder about the dust? Surely two little banties can't be that messy?

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My parents have banties. If they are small enough and you spend time with them they can be tame. If they are older you might not have the chance if they don't let you close to them. My mom has a few that actually come to her and like to be petted. One likes to rub it's head on her legs. They have always preferred banties over full size chickens. The eggs are smaller but same in number. As far as messy, I think they are the same as any other chicken. They will stir up some dust, make a mess on the floor and possibly of their water. They are nothing likes ducks though, lol. Those are the messiest birds I have ever had!!! Good luck with your new pets!!

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and YES....they are messy. I had a large dog pin that I put them in when it rains a lot....which has been very frequently lately, LOL! I do have a coop in the yard for them...but for some reason, they are not smart enough to go into it when it rains....they stand under it, LOL!


I think you will be sorry for keeping them inside.....they make a big mess...and it STINKS!


My chickens are very tame since we got them when they were very tiny. They come when we call them..... I have a section of my backyard for them....which is right up against my back porch....so we can see them all the time usually.


They have grown accustomed to going in the dog cage on my back porch when it rains....they stand by the back door making a fuss to get in.....it is really funny.


When they were really little....I would take them for walks around the yard...and they wouldn't run off....just imagine how that looked to the neighbors, LOL!



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As soon as they get used to their new home, and the cats get used to them I'm planning on letting them out everyday, that's what they do at the farmhouse. Hopefully that'll make the inside spot better. If the mess turns out to be worse than the fun of watching them, I'll send them back to the farmhouse with the rest of the flock.

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Our chickens are very tame. We use a portable pen (tractor) system and I let them out in the AM, and in the evening. They usually follow me right to my front door when I go in the house. Yesterday, I walked by my front door and there were 2 chickens looking in at me. They often will walk up to the children and myself so they can be pet (pat),whichever word it is. :confused:


When it is time to put them in the pen, I just walk outside and they usually come running after me to their pen. They bow down and anyone in the family can easily pick them up and put them in their pen.


We got them as chicks and they are 5 months old now.


I think that my chickens listen to me better than my children. :lol:

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