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People familiar with various T-Tapp DVDs

Ewe Mama

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I am going to try using T-Tapp in the near future and was hoping you could recommend which DVDs are best at showing proper form. I had ordered a set (I think it may have been called Total Workout?) and tried to use it several times, but found it to be very distracting. I remember there being a large group of people in what looked like a hotel meeting room all doing the exercises together, but it was a visual nightmare for me. I couldn't pick up proper form or get a good view of what I was supposed to be doing. I like simple, clean instruction. Show me how to do the exercise, show me what to be careful not to do, and let me go.


I ended up giving the DVDs I had away to a friend, so I will have to place another order. I was just looking for recommendations of what to order and what to stay away from. I have always liked the one-on-one videos I found on youtube. Are any of her DVD's set up like that, but with the complete routine?



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The T-tap MORE has a instructional track where she gives a lot of pointers on form and then the regular track with the workout.  It is her and 2 other ladies working out so not as distracting.  You might also want to call them and ask as my DVD is older and things might have changed a bit.


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The Senior Fit workout has just Teresa and one other woman, and I don't think the camera moves at all. (Senior Fit isn't just for seniors ;) - I'm 33 and I love it.). The main potential downside is that the workouts on SF are long - 67 min and 47 min, although the DVD is chaptered and it's easy to split the workouts. (And when you've learned them, you can do them from memory at whatever speed you like.)

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