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EIW - anyone else love the workbook but hate the videos?


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Hey everyone,

I've just started using Essentials in Writing with my 3rd and 5th graders this year. I really love how it breaks every assignment down into tiny, separate steps that are each explained in great detail.  (Choosing a topic, brainstorming, organizing ideas, drafting, revising for word choice, revising for sentence structure, editing for spelling and punctuation, etc) .so that the entire writing process is done completely but it doesn't seem burdensome since only one step is done each day.  The sample writing is occasionally awkward, but I like that it is written like a child their age would write so that it seems like something they can strive for instead of a grownup's writing style which just makes them feel inadequate.  My kids have really responded to this approach.  It seems to bring out the best in their writing.  


However....I really, really, don't like the videos. It's not that I mind the teacher at all....he's fine.  But the videos just seem boring to me and my kids just blank out and hate watching them.


For the last few weeks I've been just using the workbook without the videos.  There is a lot of instruction on most worksheets so it's been fine so far, but I'm wondering if I might end up losing some important instructions/teaching down the road if I do it like this.   Does anyone else have experience with using this program without the videos? 



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Last year when we used 5th grade I felt the same way as you, sometimes.  We came from a different grammar and writing program and so I didn't always understand what he wanted.   It was good for me to sit and watch the videos, just to make sure.  Sometimes they are unnecessary, but I am not sure you'll be able to determine that ahead of time.  This year(we've done about 7 weeks of school at this point), there have been a couple of things we would not have understood without the videos.   I have also noticed this year that there were a few things that were explained really well.   Maybe the videos are more important in 6th, maybe I am just in a better mood this year, who knows.  


IMHO it's the writing instruction where the videos are more important, and you haven't gotten to that section yet.


I don't know if that really helps :) .

Edited by Zebra
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