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Update re changes to Emily Mulvihill's AP English Language class thru Pennsylvania Homeschoolers

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Sadly, Ms. Emily is unable to continue teaching this year.  Many of us came back after the holiday weekend to no online access, and at least here, there was some panic. ;)


I am just off the phone with Susan Richman of PA Homeschoolers AP classes, who asked me to let folks know that every one of Emily's students will have a class spot with another teacher if they wish.  They are working very, very hard to come up with ways for students to have a good AP english experience.  They have one teacher who can take about a dozen of the students, and then the other teachers have each said they will take a few.  It is amazing how everyone is stepping up to the plate.  Those teachers with already full classes will have teaching assistants to do marking and interact with the new additions.


its a sad thing for many of us, as the teens were bonding well with ms. emily and she had a great course outline, but i am heartened by how many hard working people are coming together to make sure the students don't miss out!  susan said she hoped to have a brief email out later tonight, and then more details tomorrow.




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This is the third year that my oldest son is taking classes with PA Homeschoolers, and we have had very positive experiences with the instructors and the administration. 


 Both AIM and PA Homeschoolers are handling a very difficult situation with professionalism and grace.

Edited by Susan Wise Bauer
Edited to remove speculation.
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I am sorry for your experience, but she did behave responsibly in refunding your money.


Things happen to people. Bad cancer diagnoses can happen overnight. Loved ones can suffer devastating accidents. Spouses can up and unexpectedly leave.  Not everyone in our lives (especially those in the distance on the internet) deserves or needs an explanation of what is happening in our lives, especially if it is painful.


I don't know want happened in Emily's case, but I would give her the benefit of the doubt, move on, and leave her reputation intact.

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