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Sensitive female topic

Night Elf

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My medical record says I"m not due for a pap smear until April 2015 and I read that they are now doing those exams every 3 to 5 years. I can't remember which. But I read somewhere else that you're supposed to get an exam without pap smear every year. What kind of exam are they going to do if they don't do the pap? I have not been to the gyn in a long time, obviously. But should I go then? I have no complaints about anything.

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A pelvic exam. The pap is just the scraping of the cervix to check for cancer or precancerous cells. Everything else that happens that day- the physical exam, std testing, possibly breast exam, birth control consult, etc. Is all still recommended. 

Whether or not to go is really your choice. You might feel more comfortable checking to make sure everything is fine, or you might fell ok waiting until you have concerns. It's your decision.

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Okay. My regular physical with my GP is in October. I'll wait until then and do it all at one time.

Make sure your GP does pelvic physicals. That's the reason for the recs for gyn physicals. To check uterine and ovarian cancers/tumors. Some docs aren't willing or set up for it in their office.

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