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"The Phonics Game" Does anyone know about it?


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I think I saw an older version, but it was years ago. From what I recall, the phonics portion was fine but it also had sight words, and it didn't really look that fun. They don't mention sight words in the description, though, so maybe it is better than I recall or maybe I was thinking of something else, I have looked at a lot of products, I try to assess all the big ones so I can recommend or not recommend them based on their phonetic completeness and sight word use.


Here is how and why to teach the sight words phonetically:




My free game:




And some free games from Mona McNee, scroll down about 3/4 down the page:



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I used this with two of my kids (the older version.)  I didn't own it, but borrowed it from a friend.  With ds18, we had done 100 EZ lessons, but we discovered around lesson 75, when they drop their lexicon, that he really hadn't learned phonics, but just read their cues.  So a friend lent this to me.  This helped solidify the phonics he was supposed to be learning and help him put the pieces together to read.  We watched the short video segments for each "game" (deck of cards) and then played the game.  I don't really remember there being "sight words", but it there may have been a few.  I think we set the timer to play for a limited period of time.  Although my older son didn't need it, he enjoyed playing the game, so he would play with his younger brother while I did some things with the baby.  It was a huge improvement. 


When my daughter was learning to read, we were using OPGTR, but she started to get frustrated.  So, we took a break and borrowed this game again.  The older kids played with her so I could do something (like get a shower).  After several weeks, she was able to get back to OPGTR and she started to take off.   


I probably would not have purchased this game as it was very expensive, but I was glad my friend let me borrow it.  She did make back a bit of $$ when she sold it used at a curriculum sale.  It was in demand.  Oh, and it used VHS tapes. You would need a VCR to use it. 

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