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Watching Sherlock

Shelly in IL

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They are doing a running joke where Watson continually asserts that he's not gay, but Sherlock doesn't care in the slightest what people assume and totally ignores the whole issue as beneath his notice. (Implying that his orientation is his own business, and why should he care what people imagine?)


It's actually kind of a insightful and subtle perspective from the world of TV: messaging, "Intelligent people don't have hang ups about orientation at all. All people are sexual (to some degree) so why should it matter which way?"


(Rather than the other more common messaging, "Gay people are normal, and their sexuality is important, well known, and part of their relationships.")

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It's actually kind of a insightful and subtle perspective from the world of TV: messaging, "Intelligent people don't have hang ups about orientation at all. All people are sexual (to some degree) so why should it matter which way?"


I really love this observation! And it's true. Sherlock is too smart (and secure) to be worried about wasting time correcting other people's assumptions.

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