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Question for Teaching Textbooks users.


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My 5th grade ds took a break from math and we re-started today.  He made a 77% on lesson 56.  Besides restarting xtramath addition & subtraction facts (he's been doing multiplication and apparently needs to review add & subt.) this is my plan:

1. read the lessons.

2. watch the video.

3. write out the problem on a separate sheet.

4. enter the problem into the computer.


I do not want to buy another math program if I can make this work since I do not have the budget and he actually likes TT because it is on computer. 


What do you think? Is this a good plan? Does anyone feel that TT doesn't quite have enough review? Thanks




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For some kids there really isn't enough review.  I have read many posts complaining of that.  For some just doing the material on the computer did not help with retention.  For my kids, they needed to work in the workbook after watching the video then enter the problems on-line then brain storm what might have gone wrong if there was an error (I modeled my thinking through math problem potential errors verbally and physically then created a checklist of things for them to follow since this process takes time to become automatic and for many is NOT intuitive) then they correct any mistakes BEFORE watching the solution.  


I think your plan sounds fine but you might also incorporate math games and maybe Khan Academy or another free resource for additional practice.  Have you seen Soror's math thread?




FWIW, based on many posts I have read and experience with my own kids, lots of kids need a LOT of practice, from many different angles, before something becomes internalized and need lots of review, and they frequently do better if, even as they move forward, they continue to review past knowledge.  And lose info very easily if they are away from it for extended periods.  That is why ps frequently spends weeks if not months at the beginning of school doing review.  The kids tend to forget a lot over the summer.  The knowledge isn't truly internalized yet.


Good luck and best wishes.

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I think your plan sounds just fine too.

TTdidn't quite work for my dd and one of those reasons was the lack of review & not enough practice on certain topics.


I would definitely keep math facts going everyday, Khan Academy or IXL for afternoon math practice (that is if you are doing math lessons in the morning), and don't be in a hurry to move to the next lesson if dc isn't quite grasping the concept. Stop and practice, practice before moving on in TT.


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We do TT and are currently in the middle of 5th grade year.  I think whether or not it's enough depends on your child - here's how we do it:


-DD watches the demo, answers all the questions including practice problems - she can either do them in her head or write down on a piece of scratch paper.


that's it! :-)


she usually gets 100% or maybe 95% - if she gets less than 85% or so, then I know I need to reinforce things with her in other ways but that hasn't been an issue.


On the side, she did Reflex Math to memorize her facts (she loved it at first and is now OVER it) - we also do a couple of chapters of Life of Fred as part of before bedtime reading...that is a family thing we do with our younger daughter, as well...


We kind of drop in and out of other math enrichment programs - but for the most part, we just do Teaching Textbooks (and now Life of Fred most nights)...


I feel like Life of Fred helped her understand Math bettter (since started LOF, TT has become easier for her) - although I don't think Life of Fred would be enough on its own - it just sort of helps her understand real world application of math...


And fwiw, I think TT has PLENTY of review.  Right now my DD does 2 or 3 lessons/day of Teaching Textbooks - and I notice how many times they do the same type of problem again across multiple lessons.  (I think) - they do a great job bridging the topics from one lesson to the next - so for example, in the section where they learn Roman Numerals - you have to answer the problems across MANY different lessons - not just the one or two lessons that taught Roman Numerals.



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Oh, and one thing I wanted to add - 


I think the most important thing about TT (the thing that makes or breaks it in terms of being effective, at least for me) - is to sit with the child during their lessons and while they do their problems.


I know that TT is supposed to be independent - but in my experience, it helps A LOT to sit with the child - and guide them, redirect them - and even repeat lessons, etc.  If the child has a problem they can't solve, it's nice to have someone there to help them through it.


My dd had a lot more frustration (and lower scores) with TT back when she did it without me sitting next to her.  I don't give her the answers or anything - but I help explain things when the computer really isn't doing it fully...


Hope that makes sense.

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By the way, when I say that many find TT doesn't have enough review, I personally mean that at least for my kids there wasn't enough immersion and practice of the concepts/application when they were introduced.  They needed more, and not just on the computer, before they were ready to move on to the next lesson.  There IS review built in as you advance through the lessons.  But if they haven't internalized the concepts/application to begin with, then the review may not be terribly effective.

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