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Difference between VP history song and Classical Coversation history songs?


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They're totally different. CC uses the VP songs to teach VP timeline. Their own songs are little short snippets about various events or aspects of history.


We use them both (though we don't use CC as a whole). If you're looking for songs to use with the VP cards, get the VP songs.


Example of a VP song: "...Let's begin in the 15th cent'ry with Prince Henry the Navigator / Next comes number 2, Columbus sailed the ocean blue, to the New World in 1492, Columbus sailed in 1492 / Number three Magellan circumnavigated the earth / Then comes number 4, Cortes, de Soto, de Léon and Coronado, Spanish explorers all four..." (covering all 32 cards in order)


Example of a CC song: "Circa 1910 during the Mexican Revolution, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zappata fought the Federales for land and liberty, yeah, for land and liberty" (One complete sentence about a particular topic -- it's the whole song.)

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They're totally different. CC uses the VP songs to teach VP timeline.


Actually, CC-Foundations teaches the VP timeline cards in a slightly different order ... so that it is strictly chron. There is no song that CC-F uses for the timeline cards. There are separate CC history sentences that are memorized. Each of the 3 cycles of CC-F has a different set of 24 history sentences that are memorized and each has been put to a song for those who like to use music to memorize. The songs are sold on an audio CD and computer CD along with all the other memory work for that cycle.



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