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math suggestion?


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I'm sure this has come up a million times already, but I'm going to ask again.  :D


DD10 is halfway through MM6 and working on LoF Decimals.  She loves LoF, but not MM and doesn't really like math in particular, though she's quite good at it when she pays attention. :)  I am not sure where to go from here, but she need something else.  I think math is fun and I'd love for her to think the same.  I printed the sample from AoPS pre-A for her to have a look, but I'm not sure whether she's quite ready (I could be wrong). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



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We are doing MEP secondary.  Here is the x-post from the other math thread




My younger is doing MEP secondary, available free online. It has some really nice investigations, and two decently hard problems per section of each chapter (each taking my son about 15 to 20 minutes to do). There are a lot of new topics compared to Singapore Math, like Mathematical Diagrams, Statistics, Trig, etc, which are mixed in with review of fractions, factors, decimals etc.  It is a mastery program that rotates topics every 2 weeks, so ideal for this boy.


Biggest downside is that it is written for schools so the easy, medium, and difficult material is all intermixed and you have to use the teacher's schedules to mark out where the hard problems are.  It takes me about 30 minutes every 2 weeks to print and mark out the work to make it open and go on the day.


I should add that this is of prealgebra level, but not so algebra focused as Singapore Math 7A.  My son was also bored with SM6, so we decided to move on, but both SM7A and AoPS preA were too difficult.  MEP has been great intermediary.


Ruth in NZ

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We ran into boredom with MM6 last year (at 10). If I'd known about Jousting Armadillos in time, I would have used that until starting algebra this year. It looks like a good in-between for kids who need something more.


Thanks!  I just ran across a middle school thread that mentioned Jousting Armadillos and it looks like it might be just right. I've never heard of it before.  "In-between" is I think what we need.  I just don't think she's ready to make a huge leap.  Out of curiousity, what are you using now and do you/child like it so far?


Thanks again!

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We just finished LOF decimals and for us we are going to go finish all the Singapore CWP then do some Beast Chapters that are extra topics not covered in other curriculums, then hitting Jousting Armadillios before we go on to Aops. That's the plan for us, though I can't speak as to if it will turn out or not or if it's the best way to go:)

Good luck!

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