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Reading list for SOTW3

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We are nearing the end of SOTW2 and gearing up to begin SOTW3. I found the last few months that I like to have a book list & a pile of books ready to go in order by chapter so I can just pick up the next book and read. Usually I read a chapter from SOTW, then whatever books I have to go with it over the next several days (or weeks even since I add in chapter books and we like to read and enjoy them before moving on). It has taken us a long time to get through this volume because of our hefty book pile, but we have really enjoyed ever second.


I'd like to get setup with something similar for SOTW3 over the next few weeks before the new babe makes her appearance on the scene. Reading aloud is the only thing I plan to stick with for the first few months so I want to make it as simple as possible to keep chugging through the list. I will be adding Hakim's Story of Us books as well. I am curious if there are any book lists out there that coordinate with either of these by chapter. If not, toss me your best book suggestions to go along with our spines! My main focus will be my 5th grader, but I'll be adding in some super simple books for my preschooler because he absolutely loves when there is something for him that lines up with what big brother is studying ;)

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