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My 2nd oldest starts college tomorrow

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He is living at home and commuting so it isn't as bad as dorming, but still... Where did the time go? My oldest is looking for apartments and my 17 will be sending out college applications soon too. It seems like in just a few short years I will have an empty nest and I am NOT ready :( DH doens't get it ( or maybe he hides it well?) but I figured you all would understand.


:grouphug: to all those with kids starting college this fall.

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:grouphug: right back at ya!!!!


My oldest starts her 2nd year at the community college tomorrow and we have a college application to complete and a graduation in the spring to plan for!!


Where did the time go???


It seems like just yesterday she was using the Abeka preschool books!! :crying:

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He is living at home and commuting so it isn't as bad as dorming, but still... Where did the time go? My oldest is looking for apartments and my 17 will be sending out college applications soon too. It seems like in just a few short years I will have an empty nest and I am NOT ready :( DH doens't get it ( or maybe he hides it well?) but I figured you all would understand.


:grouphug: to all those with kids starting college this fall.


Mine just started private school this past week, and I've already had some anxiety plus a good cry over it! It's quite a change for me.


I'll be praying for you and your ds.

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I agree. I keep looking at my babies, and when I have to look up instead of down......wow, how did that happen!!


At least we still have our babies to hold on to!! I can't imagine how hard it would be if I only had my oldest 2. I would honestly be lost wondering what to do with my days. Thankfully, I am a crazy woman w/o time to think too much and just continue to whip around trying to get everything done so I try not to let it sink in too much.


Though, dh and I were talking about it last night. Our oldest has been back at school for 2 weeks and classes start today. He made the comment that he misses him, but he does not want to think about how much harder it will be when dd leaves for college. Bias??? I'm not sure. There is something about our ds that emits "I am ready to be independent and be my own man." I think daddy is picturing his baby girl as needing him for a lot longer.

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At least we still have our babies to hold on to!! I can't imagine how hard it would be if I only had my oldest 2. I would honestly be lost wondering what to do with my days. Thankfully, I am a crazy woman w/o time to think too much and just continue to whip around trying to get everything done so I try not to let it sink in too much.


Oh, I know it!

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Mine just started private school this past week, and I've already had some anxiety plus a good cry over it! It's quite a change for me.


I'll be praying for you and your ds.


Thank you for the prayers. I will be praying for you all as you make this transition.

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