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Any suggestions for activity for "Strawberry Girl"?


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My youngest dd is a bookclub of girls ages 7-11 who read intermediate level books. My daughter chose Strawberry Girl which I thought would be easy to find some activities to go along with it on the internet. I haven't found anything except an Internet Scavenger hunt which won't work since we don't have a computer for each girl at the meeting. I am already planning to serve strawberries for the snack. Hive minds got any great ideas? TIA

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Has she already read the book? Just reading all the slang and accents was excruciating for me. :)


How about teatime? Remember that amazing meal the mother and family brought over to the family that was sick (or was it a new baby?)? And the boy didn't get any of the food? Oh, but the preacher did? Maybe make that meal and tea and talk about how the boy must have felt being as hungry as he was.

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How about a strawberry necklace made from a walnut?




My first thought was a strawberry pin holder. I found one at Martha Stewart, but it looks a bit complicated for that age. If you do it, you can stuff the strawberries with steel wool...it sharpens the needles and less mess than sand or emery.




I loved that book! My mom bought me a copy for my 9th birthday and I still have it. I then read every Lois Lenski book I could get my hands on.

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