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Looking for a calculus or statistics curriculum suggestion

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DD16 is a rising senior.  She has used Math U See (3rd grade thru Algebra 1), Teaching textbooks (geometry, algebra 2 and pre-calc).  She has done relatively well with these programs (mostly A's, few A-'s).  She is a solid math student, but not overly interested in it.  She has done well on the ACT and SAT math portions, but the English side is more her focus.  She needs a math credit for her senior year.  She definitely does not want to take AP Calculus.  She would prefer a regular Calculus class or a Statistics class.  We are looking for a curriculum that has a dvd or computer component that covers the "teaching portion" (much like TT or MUS).  TT does not offer Calc or Statistics.  MUS offers a Calculus, but we are looking to see if anything else is out there!  Please post with your suggestions!

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Check out derekowens.com for Calculus.  Though it is called "AP Calculus", I think it's worth consideration.  Your daughter can work at her own pace, and Derek is available via e mail for questions.  The computer format would work for you too, I think.

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Honestly, there isn't really a difference in "AP" versus "non-AP" other than perhaps pace or use of calculators (AP requires them).  You could take any AP curriculum and slow it down.  But, in this case, I might suggest any highly-rated college business calculus text.


For self-teaching, you'll probably have to go with AP, or perhaps deeper (I personally LOVE the calculus with theory on OCW, but that's really rigorous).  AoPS calculus was not written by Ruszyck, and really isn't any better than a good college text...


For statistics, your options are more open.  Here, I wouldn't fear the AP moniker.  Stats is relatively easy as math goes (at this level).  It's a 1-semester / 3 hr course in college, as opposed to calculus being a 2-semester / 8 hr course.

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I would actually suggest AP stats -- depending on the college she chooses, this may get her exempted from the math requirement (some do and some do not accept stats). Another option could be dual enrollment for whatever local CC gen ed stats class you can find, if this is an option. Since she did well on the ACT/SAT, she should pass any necessary placement test.


I think stats is a lot more useful than calculus for the average person who doesn't use a lot of math in their everyday life.


Whatever you go with, I would like to suggest How to Lie with Statistics as a supplement. The salaries given in the book are a little dated, but the statistical information is very useful imo.

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This is not exactly what you are looking for, but I thought I would mention it.  My son studied stats using the textbook Stats: Modeling the World by Bock (He also read How to Lie with Statistics as a supplement.)  He also completed the stats course offered by Aleks. 


This approach was not time consuming, and he was extremely well prepared for the AP exam.

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