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Feeling overwhelmed and school hasn't even started yet...


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I'm starting to look at more of the details of the curriculum I've chosen for next year and I'm starting to feel like I have too much. I need to keep school to 4 hours a day and 4 days a week (we do CC once a week). I have a kindergartener and a 2nd grader. Do you think the following load can be done in that time?



Bible- We Choose Virtues, Daily Reading from Children's Bible

Readalouds- 30 minutes (1 history readaloud, 1 storybook, 1 family readaloud- related timeline or note booking activities if applicable)

CC Memory Work practice

Arts and Crafts (once a week)



Reading Lessons (combo of AAR, Bob books and whatever else I think she needs)

Printables/workbooks for handwriting, math skills, other K5 skills

50 States Notebook


2nd grade:

Sonlight Language Arts Grade 3

AAS (2 days a week)

Cursive copy work

MUS Gamma (3 days a week)

VP Self Paced History Exp-1815

50 States Notebook


Science is interest led or digging into whatever topic we are memorizing in CC that week. I really wanted to add a deeper US History survey type study but I think I'm just gonna have to settle for Readalouds that spark questions...



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I suggest having a list of priorities for the day, the week, the section/unit/semester and year.  It doesn't have to be a written list unless that works for you.   Start with your highest priority and work your way down as time allows. If you don't have time, you don't have time.  Don't feel bad about it.




I plan for the whole year and divide assignments into 36 weekly file folders. My oldest will have just turned 9 when we start school.


Top Priorities


Bible: Read aloud 15-30 minutes per day

History: SOTW 3 Read aloud section for narration and copywork 3 per week maximum. (This is Writing for us.)

Geography: Mapwork from SOTW Activity Guide and Blackline maps of World History (1-2 assignments per week)

Literature: One of the suggestions in SOTW Activity Guide up to 45 min. per day 5 days a week.

Science: My husband does activities and reading with her a couple of times a week.  If there's a biography of an important scientist  or development in science related to History, it will be in the recommended reading section in the SOTW Activity book, so I'll be sure to read that aloud sometime in the week. These types of books usually run about 10-30 minutes read aloud, maximum.

Math: Do the next thing in Singapore Math for 45 minutes 4 days a week

Latin&Greek Roots: Learn 10 new per week.  Decode 5-10 words related to Learned L&G Roots (English From the Roots up.)

Grammar: 1 lesson per week from Simply Grammar (Each lesson includes a couple of assignments.)

Reading: child chooses from books mom selected to read aloud for 15-20  minutes 4 days a week.


Lower Priorities


Activities suggested in SOTW Activity Guide for the week.

Suggested reading (history or literature)  in SOTW Activity Guide.

Supplemental math activities

fine artist read aloud and hands on related activity  (painting or listening to piece)


That's my week.  I know I want to get through SOTW in 1 year.  If something happens and we run out of time due to illness, desperately needing time off, needing to help care for a dependent relative, etc. etc. I know which chapters of SOTW we will cut.


Note* This is my formal apology to the good people of India, New Zealand, and Australia.

I'm sorry.  It's not that we don't love and respect you, but sometimes the life of a homeschooling mom is hectic and hard choices have to be made.  I'm sorry to put you, your history, your wonderful contributions to the world and you hard learned lessons from historical tragedies on the chopping block, but that's life. Something's got to go in desperate situations, and unfortunately, it's going to have to be you. 

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:iagree:  It might also help to make a list of what you want to do everyday (Read alouds, reading practice for K'er, etc.) and stuff you want to cover less often (2x per week, every-other-day, once-per-week). Then, you can put them in a "loop" schedule - listing the other things you want to do - listing the frequent stuff more often than the weekly stuff. You start everyday with the daily stuff:  Reading practice, read alouds, LA for 2nd grader, etc. Then, you start into your loop and get through whatever you have time for.


CC Memory Work

K - printable/workbook (pick a topic)

AAS for 2nd grader

MUS Gamma



Wherever you run out of time, you start up with the next day after the daily stuff. You'll quickly figure out if it is too much or if you timed it just right. If you want to do 'interest led' - I'd stop on the topic that you want to spark the interest & leave time for a rabbit trail or discussion. So, say you've done 3 hrs of work and you want to do some history stuff - make your 'last subject' for the day history and then see where it goes.


IMO, you have too much. However, if you are only looking to do some of that stuff a couple times a week for 30 minutes or so, you could be ok. I'm a minimalist in the younger grades, though, and my kids take FOREVER to get things done.  :coolgleamA:  So, your mileage may vary (YMMV).

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I suggest having a list of priorities for the day, the week, the section/unit/semester and year. It doesn't have to be a written list unless that works for you. Start with your highest priority and work your way down as time allows. If you don't have time, you don't have time. Don't feel bad about it.




I plan for the whole year and divide assignments into 36 weekly file folders. My oldest will have just turned 9 when we start school.


Top Priorities


Bible: Read aloud 15-30 minutes per day

History: SOTW 3 Read aloud section for narration and copywork 3 per week maximum. (This is Writing for us.)

Geography: Mapwork from SOTW Activity Guide and Blackline maps of World History (1-2 assignments per week)

Literature: One of the suggestions in SOTW Activity Guide up to 45 min. per day 5 days a week.

Science: My husband does activities and reading with her a couple of times a week. If there's a biography of an important scientist or development in science related to History, it will be in the recommended reading section in the SOTW Activity book, so I'll be sure to read that aloud sometime in the week. These types of books usually run about 10-30 minutes read aloud, maximum.

Math: Do the next thing in Singapore Math for 45 minutes 4 days a week

Latin&Greek Roots: Learn 10 new per week. Decode 5-10 words related to Learned L&G Roots (English From the Roots up.)

Grammar: 1 lesson per week from Simply Grammar (Each lesson includes a couple of assignments.)

Reading: child chooses from books mom selected to read aloud for 15-20 minutes 4 days a week.


Lower Priorities


Activities suggested in SOTW Activity Guide for the week.

Suggested reading (history or literature) in SOTW Activity Guide.

Supplemental math activities

fine artist read aloud and hands on related activity (painting or listening to piece)


That's my week. I know I want to get through SOTW in 1 year. If something happens and we run out of time due to illness, desperately needing time off, needing to help care for a dependent relative, etc. etc. I know which chapters of SOTW we will cut.


Note* This is my formal apology to the good people of India, New Zealand, and Australia.


I'm sorry. It's not that we don't love and respect you, but sometimes the life of a homeschooling mom is hectic and hard choices have to be made. I'm sorry to put you, your history, your wonderful contributions to the world and you hard learned lessons from historical tragedies on the chopping block, but that's life. Something's got to go in desperate situations, and unfortunately, it's going to have to be you.

Oh well we (NZ) are used to being ignored, neglected and rejected. Actually our written history is pretty short and even our unwritten history is relatively brief so in our case you are probably not saving yourself much time. Australia has a bit more but India is probably where you make most of the savings.


I should think with NZ at least you could just do a 5 minute update during SOTW4. I am not saying Maori history is unimportant to NZ but it is unlikely to have had much effect on you.

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