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I haven't been here in a long time. My life got turned upside down, but now we are moving forward.

I am a single mom now, who must work full time. We moved (and have the nicest home we have ever lived in!). I have sole custody; there is no visitation arrangement.

I have two teens still at home. Both have needed neurosurgeries; the younger just one, the older three. Their surgeon is 6 hours away. The younger missed one year of school, the older missed four.


Now that both are doing significantly better, we are moving forward.


I came back here today because I am looking for a couple sets of books for their education.


I won't be able to keep up with anything on the forums because life is just too busy. And when I have spare time, we try to do fun things together.  

But I hope someone has the books we need.


I'm glad y'all are still here.


Grace and blessings,

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