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Analytical Grammar and sources for used curriculum?


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I *THINK* I"m sold on this. I've watched the videos on the website and have read the great reviews that some of you have posted.

But wow, the price! I'd like to find used copies of the materials.

Any ideas about where I can find a used copy?


I've never really shopped for used curriculum before, so I don't know where the good deals are hiding!


Any suggestions would be appreciated!



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If I were looking for it used I'd try here at the HIVE or Ebay. I was in the same boat as you about 6 weeks ago. I really wanted the AG but the price for two students was just too much. I hemmed and hawed, talked with dh, and stewed some more. But it turned out that we went overbudget in a couple of other areas as well which made my decision much easier.


I ended up finding a used copy of "Easy Grammar" and I love it!!!! We've completed two full weeks of school and it is hands down my favorite purchase this year. My girls detested grammar last year and this year they love it. Easy Grammar also used the 'prepositional phrase' method which truly was what we needed. It has made such a difference. We also looked at "Winston Grammar" but this did not include punctuation. I didn't want a seperate curric. for that. We also have a writing program that we enjoy (Writing Strands) so I really wanted just a grammar program. That seems hard to find these days. I really appreciate that the teacher and student pages are in one volume (and the copyright allows you to photocopy for students) and there is almost no teacher prep. I always appreciate a pick up and use curriculum.


Sorry for straying off question, but hope you find what you need for grammar this year.

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