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Afterschooling 7th grade.....

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I know there is an afterschooling group, but I was wondering from the moms who have planned already (as I have)....if you had to send your rising seventh grader back to school, what would you keep in? The school system where we live is adequate, some consider very good...


He is solid in Math but a weak writer and horrible speller........I had his year planned out at home, but unfortunately I won't be able to use all the awesome stuff I had planned and purchased....







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Honestly, I would wait to see what his homework load is like - you do not want to overwhelm him.

Even at a special needs private school (bright/gifted dyslexic children) last year, my daughter's homework and long term assignment load was WAY too heavy for me to supplement without making her (and myself) miserable. This was for her 7th grade year (which we will be repeating this year).


If I were absolutely going to supplement somewhere, it would be in his weakest area that I knew the school wouldn't be much help with. In the case of a 7th grader, your 7th grader, that is likely to be spelling - most 7th graders are no longer receiving formal spelling instruction. The writing wouldn't worry me (yet) because they DO receive formal writing instruction, so I would take a wait and see approach there.

Have you looked at Apples and Pears for spelling? It only takes 15 minutes a day and it's enjoyable (my 7th grade daughter loves it, actually).

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I will second the advice to wait and see what the DC's workload will be.  DD was in school for a time after we moved and I intended to afterschool.  However, with the length of the schoolday, the amount of homework, and afterschool activities, I had to let it go.  It was just too much.  My DD was a bit younger at the time than yours will be, so that may change things quite a bit.


Good luck to both of you!

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See what the workload is first. I have learned that I have to prioritize very much so since time is very limited. We do most of our afterschooling over the summer :001_smile:  and were not able to do much this past school year. I just read an article that most college admission officers are most concerned about a kid's ability to do math and to write so I would focus on any weak spots there. We also take advantage of surreptitious afterschooling by using documentaries, educational apps and web sites, and visits to museums which are plentiful here.

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