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What do I do with beef broth?


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In my last bundle from the butcher I got a lot of soup bones.  I followed a recipe I found online and roasted them with vegetables, put them in two crock pots with spices, water, a little red wine and a little vinegar and simmered for 36 hours until the broth reduced and the bones were soft.  I chilled it, scraped the fat and now I've got about 5 cups of beef flavored gelatin.


So, real food enthusiasts...  What do I do with it now?  What are your favorite recipes for beef broth?

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beef broth makes wonderful french onion soup or gazpacho - these would be my top choices :)


If you find you don't like the taste of the broth you might be able to use it for deer and critter repellent


They use a 'bone sauce' to spray on fruit trees to keep the deer, squirrels whatever away.  I have never done it but it is popular with the permaculture gardeners around here.


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For a rich, first pass broth like that I prefer to use it only for soup.   I usually take those bones from the first pass and do another 24 hour simmer on them for broth that I use for rice, beans, etc.


Oops!  Already threw them out!

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