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So it's over - just like that.

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Y'all are seriously making me  :crying: . 


I think it's called anticipatory grief.  Not ready for all of my peeps to leave the nest and it's making me sigh just thinking about the changes to come. 


Those years that I clung to the K-8 board and soaked up every bit of wisdom from the really old ladies with a high schooler (or middle schooler for that matter!).  The days of field trips and spills and elbow-to-elbow learning and QUIET TIME AFTER LUNCH.  


We are the first WTM generation.   :D


ETA: We educated the first WTM generation. 


Many blessings to all of you graduating your amazing children.  Thank you for sharing around this water cooler.  Creekland, saying a special prayer for you today. 



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Do remember that this is actually what I consider a good report.  They really didn't necessarily expect to see tumor change just yet - or so they tell me anyway.  I'd rather like to think it's not part of the "mysterious" aspect.


And otherwise, for the most part, the other things aren't all that painful.  The ear thing is a nuisance, but not stressful when I think of it as just a side effect that will eventually go away.  It's nice having the stress part of that gone.


The nerve thing... I guess it could be a problem.  It's progressed to where there are times that I can't get a half gallon of milk out of the fridge, but today - err - now (as that changes too) is not one of those days/times, so it makes me think/pretend it will go away (or be livable with) too.  Hubby is a little (maybe a lot) annoyed that I didn't call for an appt with the specialist yet.  I'm still working out whether it's a problem I want to deal with, and if so, when.  I'll admit to wondering if it's a wee bit connected and might get better (or at least stabilize) on its own in 2 - 6 months too (though I was told that was doubtful).


I did find out that my PCP prescribed a painkiller he shouldn't have due to a potential allergy conflict.  It surprised me that it hadn't been caught before - by the pharmacist or JH as this is not a "new" deal, but it's not a med I ever used nor plan to, so no harm done.  It makes me kind of glad that I don't just "take" things to be honest.  (It was prescribed for me to have "just in case" pain with anything got bad. It never did.)


We've jokingly toyed with wondering how much I could get for them at school (100% a JOKE as I would NEVER do such a thing)... but in the end, I'll see if the medical missions group middle son is going with to Ivory Coast would want them.

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Thanks for the update, Creekland. Good thoughts and prayers for you, and yes, I do think that the time is going to fly this summer. Wow. We are all going to blink and then the college board will be filled with stories of the next wave of WTM freshman being left at school.



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I do think that the time is going to fly this summer. Wow. We are all going to blink and then the college board will be filled with stories of the next wave of WTM freshman being left at school.


What's that???  I can't hear you correctly... oh wait, I'm reading... I guess I've got to come up with another excuse.   Well, it was a vision issue that caused this whole thing to be found to start with - that will have to do!


I'll admit to enjoying the time with my guys here, playing games, gardening, talking...  Time can slow down for a bit.

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I know what you mean. I am giving the boys an impromptu camping trip this weekend. We've lived life on this crazy race in education and between 4H and rocket team have not been taking time out to just enjoy each other. I'm tired of that and C only has one more year at home! I said "no" to two church meetings and a 4H council meeting and dh told work that at 3 pm Friday he is going off grid. Trout, nature hikes, lazing on Lake Huron here we come! The clock and the calendar can hide for a while.

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I know what you mean. I am giving the boys an impromptu camping trip this weekend. We've lived life on this crazy race in education and between 4H and rocket team have not been taking time out to just enjoy each other. I'm tired of that and C only has one more year at home! I said "no" to two church meetings and a 4H council meeting and dh told work that at 3 pm Friday he is going off grid. Trout, nature hikes, lazing on Lake Huron here we come! The clock and the calendar can hide for a while.


If we didn't have fence stuff that has to be done this weekend for the gas company/pipeline, I'd be asking you when and where to meet...


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If we didn't have fence stuff that has to be done this weekend for the gas company/pipeline, I'd be asking you when and where to meet...


Well, it's trout camp. Which means for the guys, on the rivers and creeks, and for the ladies close to one of the Great Lakes and some sort of quaint downtown in case we decide to put our books down back at camp and go do something.


In this instance, Tawas Michigan. Well, a private campground about 11 miles from there. I prefer Tawas Point State Park because it's right on the beach, the lighthouse is free to climb and the view is spectacular, and it's two miles from town. But, the guys wanted to go to Bear Paw because it's not busy, the owner is a fun guy to hang out with (he really is a very nice person), and it's only a mile from one of their favorite fishing holes. So since I wanted my youngest in particular, daddy's right hand fisherman buddy, to be able to get up every morning and fish alone if he wants to (there is a good rainbow trout stream running right through camp and he's welcome to head down there any time he wants), we chose Bear Paw. Mom and I will have a car so we can go hang out on the beach together since we have the annual park pass.  Oh, and Tawas Point beach created a narrow channel up to the walk way that leads to the pavilion and it allows enough water into an inlet that little ones can play in uber warm, shallow water and it's super easy to keep track of them. That's really nice given that the Great Lakes are like seas and they do have some strong currents and in some places get deep quickly. Mom and I will often go over to that inlet and lay in the sand with our legs in the water which is a nice way to spend a couple of hours.


I have a feeling that from your descriptions it would take you a good 10 hours of driving to get there, maybe more depending on where in PA you are located. That said, it would have been fun to hang out!

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Well, it's trout camp. Which means for the guys, on the rivers and creeks, and for the ladies close to one of the Great Lakes and some sort of quaint downtown in case we decide to put our books down back and camp and go do something.


In this instance, Tawas Michigan.




I have a feeling that from your descriptions it would take you a good 10 hours of driving to get there, maybe more depending on where in PA you are located. That said, it would have been fun to hang out!


We've actually been to Tawas when we took our first Western trip and wanted to include seeing the three Great Lakes my kids had not yet already seen.  We stopped at a small grocery store on the way into town, got lunch fixings, then had a great time at the lakeside park (assuming my memory is working correctly)!  It's a nice place.


We'd be ok at either campground, and heading out for a 10 hour one way trip is not out of the question when we can be spontaneous.  We've done similar things before... ;)


However, at the moment, we need to get fences moved prior to June 20th, so spontaneous travel is out - unless it's travel to fast food or take out as none of us feel like cooking after being outside working.  This weekend is supposed to have ideal weather - we have to "move fence while the sun shines" (and everyone is here to help).  At least it's a paid job for my guys (paid for by the gas company and not minimum wage nonsense either).


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