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Want to start using Deet due to ticks in our yard-how can we use it most safely but effectively?


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We have had a family member disabled by Lyme, so we know the damage ticks can do. While we've always used an organic tick spray (we're all organic here) and done vigilant tick checks, the ticks are SO bad this year, plus now we have deer in our backyard due to building in the area, so we're thinking about starting to use Deet judiciously.


Does anyone have an tips on how to use it safely but effectively (ie-spray shoes only? spray on clothes only? Obviously we would have them shower at night after use.)


On hikes or in woods, etc., we would just use it as directed and spray it liberally. I am specifically asking for ideas on how to use it safely but as sparingly as possible but still effectively on a day-to-day basis in our yard.


Also, what would be the minimum percentage amount of Deet we could use that would still be effective? I'd love recommendations for tried-and-true brands too, please!


Should we also spray the yard (we back up to a field)? If so, what would we use for that? (we tried Tick Tubes last year and they didn't help at ALL!)


Any other tick tips? Thanks!

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Our pedi recommends 10%-30% DEET.  We don't use any DEET products though.  He advises to spray it on the clothing they are wearing (socks, pants, etc).  We live in CT and use chickens to help keep the tick population down.  Guinea hens are also good for that, if that's an option for you.  We still do nightly tick checks (hair, underarms, groin areas are where we usually find them) and still find ticks once in a while, but not nearly as much as pre-chickens.  Wearing white clothes helps to spot the ticks.  I don't know anything about the yard sprays.  I'm not at all sure that the constant exposure to DEET is better than the risk of getting a tick bite, though I certainly don't judge those that use it. 


ETA that if you do use the DEET on a daily basis, I would still do regular checks. 

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Permethrin is a little safer IMO than DEET.  You can only use it on clothes, shoes, etc. and not on skin.  You can also buy pretreated clothing.   I believe you are supposed to avoid spraying anywhere near cats.


I've read that DEET may not be that great for ticks.  It seems permethrin is preferable to me from what I've read.  You can buy it on amazon.


We tend to use more natural products when we can, but DH had a scary encounter with what we think was Lyme last yr.  It is rampant in our area and has been for a long time.  I feel okay with using Permethrin.





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I'd look into Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus or Picaridin. We use the Lemon Eucalyptus here. It does smell, though Deet smells too and the Lemon stuff isn't particularly stinky to me. The picaridin is supposed to be odorless I think, so I keep intending to look for that.

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