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Catholic Classical Curriculum


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I have been following WTM and 'Designing…Classical Curriculum. '

With three children - 7,5,3 - in the fall, I would like to use something with scripted lesson plans. 


Has anyone used Kolbe Academy, MODG or Seton?  Trying to see if anyone has any insight. 


I purchased Shurley English for Grammar level 2, and will begin that when I finish FLL2. I use the Seton English as supplement.  

I will probably have to purchase a few grade levels, as my 2nd grader is ahead in certain topics, but behind (b/c of Mommy) in others, like art, music, science and history (SOTW). 


Thank you in advance for your time and help!!!!

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As I have been admonished - Seton is NOT classical education. It's traditional. I happen to do all Seton and I love it and find it a well rounded education and an amazing education in English Grammar. 


The people I know who want a classical education go more for Kolbe, but I have never used it myself.

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What do you mean by "scripted" lesson plans? Do you mean how FLL tells the parent exactly what to say or do you mean just that the week/year is all planned out so you know what you need to do each day?


We did a little of MODG a couple of years ago. It was ok. I was just looking for something a little more rigorous. A little more challenging i guess you could say.


We have done Kolbe with our oldest this past year and loved it. It is hard. At least the way we were doing it - very few substitutions and following it to a T. I think we kinda did too much so we are backing off a little next year. I did sign him up for a few on-line classes but that is Jr. High so you have some time there :). My next 2 are also going to be doing Kolbe next year (4th and 6th grade) but we have substituted quite a bit (planning on using quite a bit of memoria press actually).


I was really inspired this year by a few of the threads talking about andrew kern, teaching from a state of rest. Really helped me focus as i planned for next year. Sarah MacKenzie has an amazing blog "amongst lovely things". Sorry can't link from my phone but google it. It is a blessing to read through. Truly.


No real experience with Seton other than buying a few books and realizing they were not for us.

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With Kolbe, everything is planned out in incremental portions. We are enrolled in Kolbe for the first time (this fall, grades 5 & 9) so right now I am preparing for fall term. The younger grades are rich and full; by the time the students reach high school the curriculum is rigorous and challenging. I am using the online planner, Scholaric, to manage the Kolbe lessons. My kids do well with a daily task checklist which is possible with Scholaric. 


Kolbe is quite generous when it comes to substituting your own curricula, but I have to admit it is a big relief to use their books and lesson plans as-is and not have to come up with anything on my own. I am using the 5th grade plans entirely and making a few substitutions at the high school level.


A good friend of mine uses MODG and is very pleased with it. I looked into it but found that Kolbe was more affordable for families with a small number of children.

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