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Everything posted by eeekaao

  1. Thanks for the advice. We have moved slowly through OPGTR, we are almost done with CVC words. I also believe that all learning can't be fun and games. I just want her to love reading. I know many adults that don't like to read, and they all say it's partially due to how they were taught. I think I'll just increase the creativity with the lessons.
  2. My dd will be 6 in December. We have been using OPGTR for a year with ETC and reading eggs. I have no complaints with ETC or reading eggs, it's OPGTR, ugh. I know she has learned a great deal from OPGTR, but she seriously detests the book. We have taken breaks from it, some short and then others longer. It does nothing. I pull out the book and she doesn't try or even pay attention. Honestly, I don't blame her itis very dry but she learns from it. Has anyone switched phonics programs? Has anyone stopped using OPGTR for similar reasons? Any recommendations on a new program? She loves workbooks and structure, but not boring structure. I was thinking about All about Reading, but wanted some reviews before I pay for it. Thanks
  3. You an your husband can also split up subjects, if you're both able and want to
  4. My daughter is just about finished with Saxon k. It went very well, and we'll start with Saxon 1 in a few weeks. During that time I'd like to have some type of math workbook for her to do. She loves math and structure, and workbooks seem to suit her just fine. This is my way of giving her a little break but still letting her do math. Does anyone have any recommendations?
  5. Hi all! I have some books that I would like to sell, as well as looking into used curriculum to buy. What are best sites to use? Thanks, erika
  6. I have four children ages 5, 4, 2, 14 months , with number 5 on the way. We homeschool year round. What are the easiest subjects to combine? What are someways that I can tailor it for each child? Thanks, erika
  7. I bought my son a a preschool workbook from target. I pull it out when my older two do school, and he gets his "school" and some crayons. He just colors through it for about 5 minutes, then he's off playing with his cars. It works for now. We also have a. School zone workbook for him, that we'll do occassionally. Tinker toys and blocks have also worked, because I'll only pull them out at school time.
  8. Thank you all for the recommendations. We have been doing a CM nature study, which we LOVE. I think I have decided on science is simple for the lesson plans. We will also use sassafras zoology.
  9. My daughter turned 5 is December, and this sounds like what she used to do. I would be going over a letter and she would say it, and then seconds later give me the wrong answer. Then one day a few weeks ago everything started clicking. Thiswasafter we took a complete break from phonics all together. It lasted for a bout a week, and I still read books like always, but we had no reviews or anything. I then gradually reintroduced everything with reading eggs. My daughter is very math minded, she seems to do well with OPGTR.
  10. Hi, I'm looking for a different science curriculum. Right now we are reading library books, and doing experiments from Mudpies to Magnets. It isn't really as organized as I would like it to be. I need something more organized. I would like something with lesson plans, maybe worksheets. I will definitely still supplement with experiments and the library, buti want something more. Does anyone have any suggestions? I know this may sound like too much, but I am pregnant with #5, and my 5 year old kindergartner is my oldest. Thanks, erika
  11. Thanks for the feedback. We do use star fall, and I was thinking maybe could do reading eggs too. I think I just need to take a break from OPGTR for her, we did that this am and did a few pages from ETC and some star fall, and it went really well. We do use MCP and explode the code. I try to alternate them because I can tell when she's getting bored. I also have made up some games,nothing fancy,just using the flash cards. I'll have to look into the other websites, thanks.
  12. I just started my daughter in kindergarten in January. I plan on doing it year round. Our plan is: Phonics: OPGTR, MCP Math: Saxon Religion: our lady of victory k curriculum Art: our lady of victory, and mommy it's a Renoir Handwriting: handwriting without tears Music: making music praying twice Beginning geography, and stories of great Americans for little americans Nature study with notebook Science: we have been reading books
  13. I started k with my newly 5 yr old in January. She loves loves loves math, and excels with all things math related. When we do reading she struggles, it's like pulling teeth sometimes. We are using OPGTR and MCP, which is working and I think it's a good combination, but I feel like she needs to be engaged more. We read books all the time, and she is always looking at her books and reading them to her dolls. We do have many engineer math minded family members. Do any of you have any suggestions? Should I switch phonics programs? I've tried supplementing with leapfrog and other such things, but she watches it as a movie, and doesn't really interact with it.
  14. Thanks for all the comments and advice.
  15. We follow and supplement with sonlight's books. We also use angelicum academy for math, and mater amiability (catholic and free) has a lot of good information and resources! Eeika
  16. Hi, I have a 5 yr. old, newly 5, who has always been slower with speech. She is my oldest, so I know that factors in. I, as a stay at home mom, can understand her, but i know that others have diffiulties. I do notice a huge differnce, and know that she is making progress, but she is not where she should be agewise. many extended fzmily members and friends have voiced concerns. I have also worked with her extensively. We have read aloud since birth. Autism has been researched, adressed, and tested. Everything is negative. Am I failing as a homeschooling mother if I need a speech therapist? Are there any ipad apps out there that could help? Our problems are with: f, s, r, th. Thanks, Erika
  17. Thanks, so much. I did tell her that, and she seems to be okay with it. We also have started some preschool workbooks, nothing too much, just fun stuff.
  18. Hi, I'm new here. I have four children: 4, 3, 2, and 6 months. I had planned on "officially" starting homeschool with my oldest daughter (4) this summer. She will be kindergartedn age then. I have a pretty good grasp on what we are going to use: OPGTR, Explode the Code, Saxon for math, Handwriting without tears, and some Catechism. Up until this point (yestreday) she was enrolled in a local preschool for 2.5 hours for 3 days a week. I loved it in the begining, but for various reasons we have to pull her out: the behaviour traits she was bringing home, the lack of safety, and the biggest parents are not alowed to volunteer or even sit in occassionally. Ugh, but we are done with that now! So, my question is what should I tell my daughter? She currently has a low grade fever, so hasn't asked yet, but it's coming. I don't really know how in depth to go with her, she's very smart and picks up on emotions, and seems to piece together the facts on things. Also, what should I do now for our homeschool preschool? Any suggestions? We do read every day, ABCs, count, and many trips to the library.
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