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Everything posted by shmcath

  1. I have been following WTM and 'Designing…Classical Curriculum. ' With three children - 7,5,3 - in the fall, I would like to use something with scripted lesson plans. Has anyone used Kolbe Academy, MODG or Seton? Trying to see if anyone has any insight. I purchased Shurley English for Grammar level 2, and will begin that when I finish FLL2. I use the Seton English as supplement. I will probably have to purchase a few grade levels, as my 2nd grader is ahead in certain topics, but behind (b/c of Mommy) in others, like art, music, science and history (SOTW). Thank you in advance for your time and help!!!!
  2. I have a question: I have taught phonics the classical way, teaching all 71 phonograms. I have been looking for an online program that supports that method, instead of the short/long/blending one. Would reading eggs work for us? Thank you.
  3. Perhaps Singapore Math may not be the right math at this time. I read somewhere (maybe Well-Trained mind -book) that SM is more logic and may be started later on. You might want to try Saxon Math. It does repeat, but maybe that would be beneficial. Maybe a little computer time? XL or another program? I have let my daughter (1st grade, 6 yrs old) write problems on the white board herself. I have one that I can take anywhere in the house, not a huge one on the wall. Good luck!!
  4. Thank you so much for your experience and insight. I am finishing my 1st year of homeschooling, and it has been quite a challenge. Motivation and cooperation are not as I would wish:-) I will be using your list. I have been concerned about my 2 1/2 viewing computer/tv/iphone programs, most educational, so much of the time. I guess it is not that bad:-)
  5. We also use Singapore Math and SOTW. How do you like the R&S Grammar? I am using FLL; and though I like it, I wish to also have supplemental material for reinforcement and testing.
  6. 2nd Grade Curriculum: I am looking for a Bob Jones-type curriculum for reading, phonics and grammar that is based on the 71 phonogram system, not long/short vowel system. (The BJU foundation is based on modern phonics, so, unfortunately, it won't work. I looked at Shirley English. ) I finished the phonics portion of Sound Beginnings, and would like a reading program that is comprehensive. I have looked into Phonics Pathway, but unsure if this would work. Any help would be most appreciated!!! Thank you!
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