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I'm researching several Grammar/Language Arts products for this coming fall.  My ds will be entering 4th grade, has ADD & APD and is all boy.  He hates to write, doesn't enjoy reading, basically would love to do anything else but school.  I'm looking at Easy Grammar with Daily Grams or Logic of English or Grammar Ace.  We've been using All about Spelling and will continue that in the fall if that helps. 


I'm at a loss of what to choose.  I haven't been able to find many reviews for Grammar Ace but that just may be the search engine.  I would prefer something that has games if possible and gets to the point without tons of fluff. 


Can anyone give pros/cons to any of the above and help me think this through? 



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I have a boy the same way- going into 5th grade.


Christian Light Education (CLE) Language Arts works wonders for him. The lessons are short and sweet, but thorough. It covers grammar, spelling, composition and penmanship in each lesson.


Diagramming sentences started in the 200 level.


It might be a little weird to start out in the 4 or 5 level- the lessons kind of build on each other- but totally doable.


We haven't finished all of the light units over the years (been using since 1st grade) because he also hates to write (might have dysgraphia) and because I have gotten sidetracked by other programs and such.


But this was our first year doing the Essentials class in CC and I realized how far behind he was. So, recently I went back to those booklets we skipped in 1st, 2nd and 3rd and am sitting with him while he does them. They are super easy for him, but we are focusing on proper hand placement, pencil grip, letter forming, neatness, etc. and he is getting good review in the process.


Going back has made me realize that CLE is a really good program, and he would have been much more prepared for Essentials if I had just used it consistently with him.

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I can see the appeal of Easy Grammar, but I must say that my son (5th) can't stand it. I thought he would like it because it's simple and to the point. It's like pulling teeth to get him to do it, let alone get him to do it without me. I'm sure this isn't typical, as he requires a lot of "hand holding" and really is only focused when he is doing the work WITH me or out loud. I decided to order Saxon (Hake) Grammar and Writing for him to do this summer.  I'm hoping that works well for us. We will see. I'll be following this thread.

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Logic of English would cover your spelling, grammar, dictation.......Very thorough!


Essentials in Writing will bring in the structure of writing. Videos are short, but to the point, followed by an assignment.

My 2nd grader has really grown and his stamina in writing has become stronger using EIW & LOE combo!


I can only tell you what has worked for my ds.

Good Luck!

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I'm researching several Grammar/Language Arts products for this coming fall.  My ds will be entering 4th grade, has ADD & APD and is all boy.  He hates to write, doesn't enjoy reading, basically would love to do anything else but school.  I'm looking at Easy Grammar with Daily Grams or Logic of English or Grammar Ace.  We've been using All about Spelling and will continue that in the fall if that helps. 


I'm at a loss of what to choose.  I haven't been able to find many reviews for Grammar Ace but that just may be the search engine.  I would prefer something that has games if possible and gets to the point without tons of fluff. 


Can anyone give pros/cons to any of the above and help me think this through? 




I wouldn't do Grammar Ace. It's more like review--expects your child to already know grammar pretty well. Easy grammar worked fine here, but I second the idea of Essentials in Writing. The short videos are a great fit for ADD kids, it shows exactly what to do, and would cover both grammar and writing--it works well with AAS.



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Thank you all for taking the time to reply!  My thoughts right now are to use Vocabulary Cartoons for vocabulary, AAS for spelling, Winston Grammar for grammar and Essentials in Writing for writing.  I'll have him read various books throughout the year in addition to the list above.  We'll see how many times I change my mind now in the next few months!  

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