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are the blocks, overlays, inserts, etc. necessary? We tried MUS once before but the blocks were a major distraction. We are using Saxon 5/4 now but it is driving my 11 yr old to tears. Thank you.

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I am currently in my fourth year using MUS with three children and have never bought their manipulatives. We already had an investment in a number of other manipulatives when we started the program. I didn't feel like spending any more money at that point. I am comfortable with math and figured I could come up with my own ways of getting the point across if necessary. When my oldest was going through Epsilon, the fraction-focused level, I did consider buying the fraction overlays, but never did. I know others who use them all the time. I'd say try it without them if you want. You can always add them later.



April in WA

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I thought the fraction overlays were SO COOL. My dd never used them. I did make her get them out a couple times and show me how something was done. After all, I bought them, I thought they were cool, I wanted to see them in action! But she didn't need them after watching the dvd.

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My 13yo really needs them (although he doesn't like them-says they're too babyish. I tell him to just humor me). I found he didn't need the blocks so much. However, now that he's learning fractions, the overlays have been very helpful.


On the other hand, my 9yo hasn't needed them as much. He's more of an abstract thinker and just seems to "get it" intuitively.



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I'm so glad to see this! I have really wanted to try MUS, but my kids never want to use the manipulatives we have. I just couldn't justify the cost of the blocks! Thanks for asking this question! I can't believe I never thought of just buying the package without the blocks! Nutty!

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My son uses the block but my daughter doesn't. But they are expensive. Our local homeschool store always has used sets. You might try that route or ebay.

You can also make your own with colored paper: big red squares for 100's, blue strips for tens, and little green squares for the ones. I don't bother with 2's, 3's, etc. (at least not yet).

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I like the manipulatives with MUS. Usually when we do a new lesson I let my kids use them for the first few lesson practicies and then with out them. I like it reinforces the new material and helps them see the reasoning behind math. My daughter seemed to totally get fractions after using the overlays with the first few lessons. But now she isn't using them. So, I guess it depends on the child too.

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I have the blocks, but didn't really use them a whole lot. I was talking to the MUS rep last spring at convention, and she said that if you don't use the blocks, they call that "Math you almost saw!" Thought that was funny. But, then she did point out that it is helpful if the student knows HOW to use the blocks because they actually help with understanding of higher math. I was surprised the blocks were still used in the higher levels, but she showed me something that I NEVER understood in highschool. When she explained it with the blocks I finally understood it. Of course, I have terrible number memory so I can't even remember what the type of problem was! But I was impressed!


I generally make sure the blocks are out when we watch a new video lesson. But, my son usually doesn't use them for his workbook pages.


I like the idea of just making your own out of colored paper! Or perhaps you can find some on ebay?

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