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Help me with a name?


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Dh and I are starting a new project and we needed a title for the website.  The basic plan is to choose several buildings in the city we're currently living in and post photos of it along with photos of how people in the neighborhoods around the building interact with it.  Since we move often, we could do this for a wide variety of buildings and places.


For example, we live in Guadalajara, Mexico right now and some of the most important buildings here are the churches.  In addition to their obvious religious functions, most have large squares around them where people gather on holidays, buy street food, sell toys, walk with their families at night, meet friends, set up health clinics, give away meals, and so much more.  We'd take photos and talk to people about their relation to the church and the neighborhood, or just a little about their lives.  The unifying thing would be the building. 


So what would be a good title for that?  Something about people and architecture should be in the title, but we're having trouble coming up with a title that works.

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My first thought was "Living Architecture," but a quick search showed that that's the name of a vacation rental place in the UK ...


Other ideas ...


The Architecture of Life (or of Our Lives)

Shaped: How People and Buildings Mold Each Other

At the Intersection of Life and Stone (or Architecture)

People and Their Buildings

The Silent Neighbor: How Buildings Shape Communities


Hmm ... my past as a grad student who had to write lots of catchy but descriptive titles is catching up with me ... some of those would be better titles for academic papers than for a website! I'm interested to see what others can come up with :)


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When you say "title" do you mean the name portion of the web site URL, or a title that would run across the top?  The latter would allow for greater length and possibilities.


This would be the name of the project and the website.  We'd like something short.

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I was thinking, "Buildings and their people"  as a potential interesting juxtaposition.


Yep, that's what was in my mind, just not what my fingers typed ... too much of a juxtaposition for them! :laugh:

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My first thought was "Living Architecture," but a quick search showed that that's the name of a vacation rental place in the UK ...


Other ideas ...


The Architecture of Life (or of Our Lives)

Shaped: How People and Buildings Mold Each Other

At the Intersection of Life and Stone (or Architecture)

People and Their Buildings

The Silent Neighbor: How Buildings Shape Communities


Hmm ... my past as a grad student who had to write lots of catchy but descriptive titles is catching up with me ... some of those would be better titles for academic papers than for a website! I'm interested to see what others can come up with :)


I really like "The Silent Neighbor." That's a great title!

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I really like "The Silent Neighbor." That's a great title!


Thanks, I kind of like that one too. The problem with it, though, is that it isn't descriptive enough for a search engine. I'm not sure if the search engines would pick up on the other key words if that was the catchy title and the descriptive part was just a subheading on the webpage, kwim? But, yeah, if I were doing a project like Amira is talking about in an academic setting, with a paper to write, that would be my title, with a descriptive subtitle.

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The first thing that popped into my head was “Slice of Building†– as a take-off of “slice of lifeâ€.   But it doesn’t really convey the people aspect that well.  I was also trying to come up with something that used the term Ethnography since that is what you are doing in a way.

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