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Earning High School Credits early? Californina

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I was certain that I read somewhere that one can start accruing high school credits in 8th grade (in Californina), but now that I am searching I can not find anything!


Can anyone here point me in the right direction? I am trying to map out the next several years to accommodate my DDs early high school completion and I really need to know when I can begin bringing in high school level coursework.

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I don't know anything about CA nor do I graduate my kids early, but my kids start high school credits when they are doing high school level work.


It would seem that if you are going to graduate a student early, you would simply grade skip?? So, an 11 yr old doing 9th grade would simply be a young 9th grade.

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I don't know anything about CA nor do I graduate my kids early, but my kids start high school credits when they are doing high school level work.


It would seem that if you are going to graduate a student early, you would simply grade skip?? So, an 11 yr old doing 9th grade would simply be a young 9th grade.




Don't record her as grade advanced NOW (imo) -- then if she starts to slow down, it'll be a lot harder to repeat. But keep records next year as if she were going to be a 9th grader. Then when the time comes, you can declare her to be graduated and submit records of the last 4 years of school, just as colleges want.

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Another question...if we are to skip a grade, where would you begin? History? Sciences?


To be clear, DD will be 12 and in 7th grade in the fall. She is in advanced classes, a grade ahead in math. It would seem to me that DD needs to stay the course in both math and LA...maybe work those both (lightly)  through the summer to bring her up to high school level work/credits by the next year (2015/16- 8th grade)?


I know she is capable of moving up but I know there are certain things that can't be rushed (math in particular).

If this were your child and the goal was to graduate HS 1-2 years early what type of high school level material would you begin introducing?

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I may have my oldest take high school biology in 8th in order to free up room in her schedule for electives later on. Physical science is typically taken in 8th in PS but she is doing Mr. Q's Advanced Chemistry this year in 6th and will do physics next year in 7th. I had originally been planning to use Hewitt's Conceptual Physics but for reasons that are not relevant to this thread, she might do Singapore Physics Matters instead.


If you wanted to do physical science in 7th, look into Hewitt's Conceptual Physical Science. I forget which version is the one designed for high school but that's the one you would want. Pearson Physical Science Concepts in Action is also supposed to be do-able by a bright middle school student. If you are okay with an explicitly Christian text, Bob Jones' Physical Science is supposed to be good.

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