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7th grade writing suggestions

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My soon to be 12yo hates putting pencil to paper.  We have done MCT for three years.  This year we started Level 4 (Magic Lens 1, Word within the word 1, academic writing 1).  He can nail the grammar and has that down no problem.  However their was too much of a jump in the actual writing of papers from last level to this one.  Part of the problem was the papers were supposed to be based on books.  His reading is great, he just really fights actually doing it.  Just like he fights writing.  We had enough other problems to deal with this year with stuff, so I let the writing go. 


Now I am looking towards 7th grade.  I bought a typewriter and he is learning to type in the hopes that will help relieve the pen and paper issue. (yes I bought a typewriter because learning to type on the computer turned into put five minutes in, then jump to other things on computer, then fight with mom. Typewriter seems to be working better.)  


Can I get some suggestions on a writing program for a 12 year old boy, who while very smart, is still academically immature and just doesn't want to 'do' school, either home or at Band M, but is finally starting to suck it and deal with it.  (really I can see his maturity hiding around the corner, it just seems to still be too shy to come out...)  I truely believe he can handle it but feels it is too much work, so fights it and then things just go downhill from there. 


So I guess I need a gentle writing program? Suggestions please.

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Well, Wordsmith Apprentice came to mind. It's written for grades 4-6, but it's not babyish. The first assignment is filling out an application to work at a newspaper office. DC start with the lowest jobs at the paper, doing basic grammar review, and slowly work their way up the ladder to making headlines, ads, invitations, thank you letters, and by the end of the book they are columnists making simple essays.


If that sounds too young, take a look at Jump In. The writing assignments are varied, kid-friendly, and a palatable size.

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My daughter will be 12 in a few weeks and in the 7th grade next year.  Same deal with her - hates to write, but is a voracious reader.  We did 3 curricula this year:  Write Shop I (on the slower 3 year plan), Writing With Skill I, and MCT Paragraph Town.  We love MCT here and are fans of the program, but I think the writing portion is the weakest part of the program and I don't think my DD got much out of it.  We will likely drop the writing component next year.  I would think that the jump in writing would be a lot at after the Voyage level also.  Anyway, the other two have been perfect and we will stick with those in 7th grade.  Why two writing curricula, you ask?  Because I think they teach different things and my DD needs both.  WWSI teaches the underpinnings of the research paper, which of course, every high schooler who is college-bond will need.  But Write Shop I teaches mechanics, editing, grammar, punctuation, brainstorming, etc... and that has also been helpful to her.  I would think pulling back a bit on the quantity of writing might help your son, and for that, WriteShop I is great because it teaches necessary skills without requiring anything too involved.  Once your son is comfortable and OK with writing, you can move on to the writing component that is with the Magic Lens.  My DD gripes less about the writing now that this year, I have required lots of writing from her, but just a small bit at a time.  Now that she is comfortable with that, I'll ramp it up a bit.  Downside to WriteShopI:  Dry as dust.  Downside to WWSI:  some writing days can be very time-consuming.

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