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MUS geometry to Glencoe Al 2 what should we do this summer?

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My ds very likely will have the opportunity to do a 3 class study group this coming year.  The math teacher said they will be doing Glencoe Al 2 for 10th grade.  

DS has only done MUS as he is not a stellar math student, and the more slow approach was better, but I know most other programs are faster, and he will need some gaps filled.  

Has anyone gone from MUS to a more challenging program?  and what did you use to play catch-up?  

Thanks for suggestions,


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MUS Algebra 1 does not include using the quadratic formula. I would make sure you have gone through solving quadratics using completing the square (I don't remember if MUS covers this) and using the quadratic formula which MUS definitely does not cover. Knowledge of both topics will be assumed in any other Algebra 2 course. 


The other thing you might consider is doing some extra practice on word problems. If you get an Algebra book to cover quadratics, also go back through the chapters and have your ds work some word problems. MUS introduces all the concepts, but they do very little application.


Dd switched from MUS to Lial's half way through Algebra i; Ds switched from MUS to Lial's a few chapters into Algebra 2. Neither are mathy and neither had any trouble, but I give credit to the fact that Lial's teaches every concept from the beginning even in Algebra 2. Mid-way through Algebra 1 was a straight line switch, topics had been covered in order, it was easy. Switching at Algebra 2 the above information was all that had not been in MUS.

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Reviewing alg 1 is going to be the biggest help for him. I'd get a standard alg 1 textbook and have him test through with the chapter tests, filling in any gaps in knowledge.


Seconding this suggestion.  Older editions of Margaret Lial's Beginning Algebra textbooks are available for under $5.00 including shipping from Amazon.


The other thing you might consider is doing some extra practice on word problems.


You might consider Anita Harnadek's Algebra book -- Algebra Word Problems Book 1.


Then there is  How to Solve Word Problems in Algebra by Mildred Johnson


My husband uses both of these in his math tutoring.




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