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Prentice Hall Science Explorer: How am I doing? Should I buy the teacher's editions?

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My 10-year old 4th grade son has been making his way through one of the Prentice Hall Science Explorer books. He reads one section most days (about four sections per week), and outlines what he has read in a spiral notebook. When he is done, I quiz him to make sure he understood everything. We haven't been doing any of the experiments so far.


The material is dry, but that is OK. It is important for kids to learn how to read and comprehend material that is boring.


So far, we have not been reviewing old material. I think I need to start doing that to ensure retention.


Also, I have been meaning to incorporate videos into the mix. I think this, too, will help with retention. We would watch a video only after he has read the related section. This ensures that the video supplements the book rather than the other way around.


So I'll start both of those things -- review and videos -- next week.


If anyone has other suggestions, please let me know.


One question: Do I need to purchase supplementary materials such as the teacher's edition? These can be rather expensive. This one costs $130 used: http://www.amazon.com/Teachers-Edition-Explorer-Prentice-Physical/dp/0132012537/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1399133078&sr=8-2&keywords=prentice+hall+science+explorer+teacher%27s+edition


Since we are probably going be going through all 15 books during the next two years (5th and 6th grades), the total cost of buying all the teacher's editions would approach $2,000. Is it worth it? What exactly is in the teacher's editions that isn't in the student editions?


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