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Teachers Lounge 4-24-14


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Welcome to the Lounge! 


April is only here for a few more days. WHERE does the time GO???


This week is flying by here due to DD's production week this week and FOUR performance this weekend, starting tonight!

Plus I'm trying to prep my family for me being gone for a couple of weeks, etc, etc.

What's making your time fly by?


Breakfast was bagels all around this morning (mine being GF). Mid morning snack was turkey bacon. Lunch will be peanut butter on bagels

for the kids (because that's what we have). How about for you?


Going to bake some GF brownies on Saturday and most likely tomorrow, as well. You all doing any baking soon?


Talk to me! :bigear:



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I still have over an hour to decide what's for lunch!  (Probably a stupid salad with protein, though.  And two squares of Theo dark chocolate with salted almonds for dessert, which are definitely not stupid.)


I sat down to do some business e-mails (and somehow ended up over here too!) but now I have to get back to cleaning the kitchen.  The cat usually is my dishwasher helper.  He comes running when I call "Dishwasher!" and helps me to open the door.  But the stupid dog chased the cat away.  


The word stupid seems to be a theme today . . . maybe I need that chocolate now!  

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Good timing.  I'm eating a big salad with leftover taco meat for lunch right now.  I think spring must have finally come because I like salads again.  For some reason, I can't stand salads when it's winter.   


On the other hand, since I got a gas stove, I don't bake once it gets warm.


Right now, we're getting ready for a Mayfair celebration.  My mom is making a lovely white dress for youngest who will be  dancing around the May pole. I hope the warmer weather and sunshine continue into May.

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