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I found a great book for art instruction...

Vida Winter

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Art From Many Hands: Multicultural Art Projects

by Jo Miles Schuman


It contains art projects from all corners of the earth so it is also serving as my geography book when I add in a little map and globe work.


These are the types of art projects it covers (copied from a list a reviewer posted on Amazon):


West Africa - tie-dying cloth, traditional dashikis, papier mache masks and sculptures

Ghana - Adinkra designs on paper and cloth

Nigeria - Adire Eleko cloth designs and Counter-Repousse (metal work)

Egypt - plaster hieroglyphic tablet, jewelry/clay beads, tapestry

Israel - paper and tile mosaics

Iran - Persian miniature paintings

France/Spain - prehistoric cave paintings (impressive - they make a whole caves system from cardboard!)

Cro-Magnons in Europe - stone engravings

Ancient Greece - sculpture

Great Britain - stained glass (originated in Middle East but famous in cathedrals)

Sweden - cookie stamps (she even includes a recipe)

Poland - Wycinanki (paper cutouts)

Ukraine - Pysanky (decorated eggs)

Belarus - straw designs

Germany - flower arts (pressed, woodcut)

China - calligraphy, paper making, woodblock prints

Japan - haiku and sumi-e ink paintings, accordion books, fish banners, fish prints, decorated paper

Burma - lacquer work

India - marble inlays

Indonesia - Javanese shadow plays, batik fabrics

SE Asia and Taiwan - kites

Central/Northern Asia - felt rugs and balls

Hawaii - canoes

South Pacific - Tapa (decorated barkcloth) including Fiji for stenciled designs and Tahiti for fern designs

Tonga - design tablets

Micronesia - gift-giving bowls

Australia - Aboriginal bark paintings, didgeridoos, carved Emu eggs

Mexico - Huichol Indian yarn painting, Amate paper cutouts and paintings, clay figures and suns

Central America - Cuna Indian Molas (cotton panels), gold/silver sculpture

Peru - embroidery

Caribbean - maracas

Puerto Rico - seed necklaces

Haiti - steel designs

United States - Pueblo Indian pottery, Navajo weaving and sand painting, Plains Indian Buffalo Robes, Headdresses, shirts and vests, Woodland Indian quillwork and beadwork, Inuit stone sculpture and printmaking, early American applehead dolls, scrimshaw (carving in whale bone and ivory), and weathervanes


The author discusses ways to do these projects with different age groups of children. Some of the techniques are too difficult (or dangerous - hot wax for example) for the youngest children but can be adapted for younger ones.


I am so excited about this resource -- real art projects and a learning experience about different cultures and geography thrown in for free. This is going to be a great school year. There are several very cheap used copies available on Amazon marketplace.



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