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Suggestions for school during move process

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We will be moving in the coming months and I need to get prepared now.  I am trying to finish up certain things before the move so they are done, while others will continue through the move or be picked up after the move.  I am fairly certain we have decided to continue to homeschool on the other side and will go through the move with that mindset.  I could choose to stop school altogether, however, that seems pointless as we will have very little entertainment (toys, books, movies, etc.) with us and won't have a great deal of time to have fun during the house hunting process.  I also do not know how long it will be before we get settled, so it would be an indefinite break.  On the flip side I don't won't to be super structured with curriculums because I don't know what our life will really look like during that time. 


Currently I am planning to take some review work for grammar, teaching cursive since there is a desire to learn it, and planning some math to take with us.  I may also get a typing curriculum as that has been requested as well.  Is that enough?  There will certainly be learning along the way given we are moving across an ocean to a new country and culture. 


I guess what I am really after is not losing what we have learned, not falling terribly far behind (behind what I'm not sure), and not ending up with a huge gap because things take longer than I think they will. 



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I'd get some books from ILL that promote lots of free reading, and at least temporarily get yourself all fired up about lots of JUST READing.





The Book Whisperer



Thomas Jefferson Education



Robinson Curriculum



There is another book popular on the forum right now, but I can't remember the title. It blasts the Common Core focus on non-fiction. I think it might be listed in this recent thread in just reading.



And get the 4 little Illustration School art books and the 14 colors recommended in the color book.


red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, black, pink, flesh, light blue, light green, grey, gold.

And Ed Emberley's Fingerprint and Make a World Books, which are also thin books.




Print out this poetry writing pdf

25 Types of Poetry

http://myteacherpage...s of Poetry.pdf


I'd do a little math, read read read, and draw and write bad poetry.

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We will be moving in the coming months and I need to get prepared now.  I am trying to finish up certain things before the move so they are done, while others will continue through the move or be picked up after the move.  I am fairly certain we have decided to continue to homeschool on the other side and will go through the move with that mindset.  I could choose to stop school altogether, however, that seems pointless as we will have very little entertainment (toys, books, movies, etc.) with us and won't have a great deal of time to have fun during the house hunting process.  I also do not know how long it will be before we get settled, so it would be an indefinite break.  On the flip side I don't won't to be super structured with curriculums because I don't know what our life will really look like during that time. 


Currently I am planning to take some review work for grammar, teaching cursive since there is a desire to learn it, and planning some math to take with us.  I may also get a typing curriculum as that has been requested as well.  Is that enough?  There will certainly be learning along the way given we are moving across an ocean to a new country and culture. 


I guess what I am really after is not losing what we have learned, not falling terribly far behind (behind what I'm not sure), and not ending up with a huge gap because things take longer than I think they will. 



We are doing the same thing this year. Moving several states away. Since I have a million things to do I have already cut way back and we are doing a CM type of homeschooling. Math, grammar, writing, and reading.

I cut out Saxon math for 2 of my boys because it takes them over an hour to do one lesson. Now they are doing MUS and 1 page of Key to Measurment. Takes like 20 minutes.

They read and write down what they recall reading, 3 to 5 sentences.

We are doing an insect study with SCM Jacks Insects but I'm reading ti to my 4 youngest kids and we are talking about and they are drawing the insects. Right now they are outside playing...er...doing nature study and finding 34 million bugs and showing them to me and collecting them in a bucket while I purge bookshelves.

My 14 is doing LOF and Jacobs Algebra instead of Saxon,again because of the time frame. She's doing Uncle Sam and You  but doing written narrations instead of the workbooks that come with it and she says she liked the workbooks BETTER because they were EASIER than written narrations! Guess who will NOT be going back to workbooks??

She's doing Spanish in ten minutes a day, making her own animal journal, and reading.

I also read to all the kids, 14 and under. My 18 yo has a job and my 21 yo is married and not living at home or able to help.

My elderly parents live with us and require a lot of care and my dh will be gone for months at a time while I take care of everything here so I've had top scale way back on academics BUT the kids seem to be learning just as much, if not more (it's only been about a month) and I'm seriously thinking these CM people know what they are talking about!

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