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Any free online classes/websites for gifted 9 yr old?

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You could see if anything on the Virtual Homeschool Group would be appropriate. www.virtualhomeschoolgroup.com  There are some at your own pace courses available immediately, but you'll have to wait for summer to see what will be available for next school year.


Annenberg Learner has several video series that might be useful. www.learner.org I've used them as part of other coursework.


I've signed up for various Coursera classes and we just watched the videos as a supplement to what we're doing. If the How Things Work course is available with Louis Bloomfield, it's a lot of fun---the physics of balls, skateboards, etc. www.coursera.org.


Preview the Annenberg and Coursera stuff, as it's aimed at adults, not kids.

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If he likes math and is wrapping up elementary math, Alcumus is a free online learning system offered by AoPS. (and if he's not quite there yet, save this site for later!) AoPS is specifically geared toward the needs of kids who are seeking greater challenges in math.


You can start him on the pre-algebra level and work through up through the levels, covering algebra, geometry, counting & probability, and number theory. There's enough to last anyone for a very long while!



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