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A few LOE Essentials questions


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I have never done AAS, but LoE is definitely a teacher and student working together program. It is very well laid out though so it is not teacher intensive as far as planning. It also doesn't require a lot of extra stuff. ( phonogram cards are the only requirement and these can be purchased or you can just make your own with notecards)

There are 40 lessons in the book. Each lesson has most of the following sections:
part1 - phonograms, exploring sounds, spelling rule
Part 2 - spelling dictation (15 word spelling list)
Part 3- grammar, dictation, composition, vocabulary development

Every 5th lesson is review.

An advanced student could do a lesson daily, a struggling reader could need to do a lesson a week.

Y has 4 sounds. /y/, long e, long i, and short i

I really like it. It is a great program.

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I have never done AAS, but LoE is definitely a teacher and student working together program. It is very well laid out though so it is not teacher intensive as far as planning. It also doesn't require a lot of extra stuff. ( phonogram cards are the only requirement and these can be purchased or you can just make your own with notecards)

There are 40 lessons in the book. Each lesson has most of the following sections:
part1 - phonograms, exploring sounds, spelling rule
Part 2 - spelling dictation (15 word spelling list)
Part 3- grammar, dictation, composition, vocabulary development

Every 5th lesson is review.

An advanced student could do a lesson daily, a struggling reader could need to do a lesson a week.

Y has 4 sounds. /y/, long e, long i, and short i

I really like it. It is a great program.




Have you looked at the samples on the website? There are three sample lessons available for free, among other things:



Very happy with LOE. We only use it for spelling, so we skip the grammar section unless there's something we can use for practicing the spelling words that isn't over DD's head. She's in first grade, so most of the grammar is too advanced for her. Parts 1 and 2 of each lesson are GREAT and very easy to teach with little prep. We have all the extra stuff but have only used the TM, the workbook and the phonogram cards.

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I have heard LOE is just as teacher intensive as AAS. What does a lesson in LOE look like?

What sounds does LOE teach for the sounds of y?

How long should it take to get through Essentials?


I am not familiar enough with AAS to directly compare, but I have found that especially on our second year in Essentials (doing the advanced lists), DD is able to be fairly independent.  I need to dictate the list on Mondays, but then after that she can practice words on her own and do further practice/a test on the spelling city website.   She still is not an awesome speller but it is slow and steady improvement. 


It took us about a year and a half (with some breaks) to get through Essentials the first time.  We have primarily used it for spelling -- my DD was already a good reader when we started, and the grammar just isn't our cup of tea.  It's good, but we are just liking other things more.  The first year we did lesson on Monday, dictate the list on Tuesday, practice phonograms or other games on Wednesday, practice words or sometimes do the writing exercises in the workbook on Thursdays, test on Fridays.  We weren't in a hurry to go through it (I wanted time and maturity to help things sink in), so I was not trying to do any more than one lesson per week, and a few times we lingered on a lesson or a review week for more than one school week.


It should really only take a school year, or a bit more than that to go through it even if you just do a lesson a week.

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We usually did a lesson a week - so it took us about a year (skipping the last 4 lessons because he was burnt out).  But my son is very short-attention-span and often, on the sentence dictation, he would roll on the floor crying for 10 minute before starting . . . but he MUCH preferred this to spelling power lol!   We went through it as written, with no independent studying except occasionally with words he wasnt learning - so maybe 4 or 5 lists of 8-20 words.  We didnt do the advanced because I promised him we would take at least a full year off from any forma spelling after completing LOE.  I still love the program - i just have really difficult kids.

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