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S/O - What is on the Front of Your Fridge?


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DH's company makes magnets (big huge rolls) as part of their end product, so I have a lot of magnets.  On my fridge are strips "framing" pictures drawn by my niece and DD.  The only typical magnet is for our water filter replacement.  I also put our budget on the fridge but since no one follows it, it might as well be invisible. 

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Front: chore charts and a weekly menu-planning white board that hasn't been used since week #3 of owning it.

Side: adorable matching apron, oven mitt, and pot holder from anthropologie, all hanging on magnetic hooks. Rarely used (see above), except by DS6 who delights in whacking them off the hooks every.single.time he runs through the kitchen. BTW: We had a "lesson" recently regarding this. He had to run past the fridge at least 5 times in a row while controlling and refraining from his natural instinct to swat at them. Took him 12 (twelve!) minutes to accomplish this. Arg.

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On the top front is where I put the photos and photo cards we get throughout the year. On the bottom are magnetic letters and two Leap Frog toys. On the one side are magnets from places we've been and random extra magnets from businesses and such.

I would say my fridge is an organized mess,like most of my house. :)

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