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Dr. Hive Hyperthyroid


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I have had a lot of stress the past few months that has come to a head just  recently.  I am having trouble calming down.  I am short tempered, feel very weak and sluggish, my hands are trembling, my heart is pounding and I keep taking deep breaths to try and calm everything down.  I have non-cancerous (tested) cysts and have had a cyst removed that was hyperactive when I was 15.  My mom also has cysts with hyperthyroid.  Is that what I'm dealing with?  I have a doctor's appointment in 3 weeks and always get my thyroid levels checked.  Should I be doing something before then?



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Hyperthyroid is dangerous. If you really suspect that is what is happening I would call the doctor in the morning. They will likely send you for a blood test quickly and do things based on those results.


I have hypothyroid. It is annoying but not dangerous the same way. Good luck!

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Your symptoms, coupled with the fact that you've been under stress recently, sound like anxiety to me.  I've BTDT and it's not fun.  Whatever it is, I think given your symptoms it would be best to get a quicker appointment if you can. :grouphug:

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When my mom had hyperthyroid, she would have episodes when she would tremble all over with no trigger. Also, her eyes started to look as though they were bulging, but she didn't realize it. She just felt as though her eyes were irritated. Her eye doctor was the one who noticed something was up and recommended she get her thyroid tested. My grandmother now says she noticed but didn't want to say anything!??

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I would see if the doctor could put in the bloodwork ASAP so you can at least get it off your mind if that's not what it is. It sounds like it could be, or it could just be anxiety. Hyperthyroid can be very dangerous, I wound up in the hospital for a week when I was first diagnosed. Usually the doctor can just call in the labs, especially if you usually get thyroid tested, and can keep and eye out and call you if the results are abnormal.

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