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Need High School Latin Advice

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My son did First Form and Second Ford Latin in 7th/8th grades. He is a Freshman now and will have completed Third Form and Level I exercises in Lingua Biblica at the end of this school year. I am trying to figure out how to count his credits for a high school transcript. Here is what I had in mind:

1st/2nd Form = Latin I (1 high school credit)
3rd Form/Lingua Biblica = Latin 2 (1 high school credit)

I do not think we will be continuing after that because he'll probably be moving on to Spanish either next year (10th grade) or going to community college Junior/Senior year for 4 semesters of Spanish to count as 4 high school credits.

Can someone review my plan and advise me? He took the ACT in the fall and scored a 34 on the English and 35 on the Reading portions, so I do not feel he needs more Latin to support his Language Arts skills - which was one of my primary purposes.

Please let me know your thoughts,

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I think that's fine.  You can list the Latin I as credit earned before high school (not uncommon for languages and math), and then Latin II for 9th grade.  Some schools require 4 years of a single language, and that would be certainly covered if you did 4 semesters of dual enrollment Spanish.


Mine actually do the opposite -- 4 years of Latin and 2 semesters of community college Spanish.  And the admissions officers I've talked to said that was more than enough.

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If he is going to be stopping his Latin studies after Latin 2, it would be good to have the corroboration of a test score for his transcript.  You might consider having him take the National Latin Exam.  (Hmm, the opportunity to do so this year may have already passed.)




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Angela, Did you add Lingua Biblica because Third Form Latin doesn't have enough translation to count as a high school credit?  My twin sons started First Form in 7th grade as well so I've been wondering how to count it on their high school transcripts and what counts as a high school credit.  Thanks!

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Well, it just concerns me that Memoria Press says that Third Form is for 7th and up and yet still says it can count as a High School Credit - so for me (we tend to be of the mindset, better too much work than not enough) I decided to add Lingua Biblica so that it makes a stronger case for Third Form + Lingua Biblica justifying a full high school credit.

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That makes sense.  On the Memoria boards I read some discussion about what counts as high school credit, but some  users questioned how the both the Forms and Henle counted individually as high school credit.  Surely Henle is more challenging than the Forms.  At last years book fair near me, I talked to them at the booth and asked about switching to Henle in high school but she (I think it was Tanya) said to continue w/the forms.  That's what we will do since I don't want to try Henle until we are more solid w/our Latin.



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Here's what I got as a reply from the Memoria press people:

What colleges normally look at is the high school diploma and the standardized test scores. So the question should really be "What are the requirements of my state to graduate from high school?"

Most states and schools require two foreign language credits to graduate from high school. 

First and Second Form can be counted as 1/2 credit each, and Third and Fourth Form can be considered 1 credit each.

Latin is normally accepted no questions asked as a foreign language.




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