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IEW High School Writing Intensive Seminar - Trying again

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Some how I managed to post on a social group last time, which I am not allowed to view now - weird.


Anyway, hopefully this time it will work.


Has anyone's student attended one of these IEW seminars, and was it a good thing to do. I'm trying to decide about my dd ( 8th gr this year going into 9th) attending one which will take place close by in April. It mentions SAT/ACT essay preparation, and of course the SAT is scheduled to be changed. Also my dd has never done IEW, she has been doing WWS. It did say in the information that it was not necessary to have done any previous IEW, but wondered if that is so. Any information or feedback anyone has would be appreciated.




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My ds participated in the workshop last year in Cincinnati just prior to the homeschool conference beginning. It was very good....very productive.



Thanks, good to know. Was your ds familiar with IEW prior to the workshop?

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My ds went to one last fall. I went too. We had no prior exposure to IEW. We both really enjoyed it and ds learned a lot. I thought it was excellent prep for SAT writing. There wasn't a lot of other useful info in it, but there were tips that could be applied anywhere. Ds will not take the SAT (opting for ACT only) but I still think it was a day well spent. I will have my dd do one sometime even though the SAT writing will go away by the time she takes it if she takes it. 

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My ds went to one last fall. I went too. We had no prior exposure to IEW. We both really enjoyed it and ds learned a lot. I thought it was excellent prep for SAT writing. There wasn't a lot of other useful info in it, but there were tips that could be applied anywhere. Ds will not take the SAT (opting for ACT only) but I still think it was a day well spent. I will have my dd do one sometime even though the SAT writing will go away by the time she takes it if she takes it. 


Thanks, another vote for a useful course to take. Good to know. I'm not sure if dd will take the SAT but it sounds like she would learn some useful skills.

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My dd attended one last spring as an 8th grader and I sat in and listened.  I think the initial exposure was very useful for her.  We do not use IEW and that wasn't a problem.  She may even go again as she gets closer to real testing.

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My dd attended one last spring as an 8th grader and I sat in and listened.  I think the initial exposure was very useful for her.  We do not use IEW and that wasn't a problem.  She may even go again as she gets closer to real testing.



Thanks, good to know!

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My 9th grade ds attended the High School Essay Intensive seminar last October. It was a very productive and useful class for him, and he LOVED it - it was worth every penny. He said that the 7-8 hours went by way too quickly, and he is my kid who usually gets tired/bored/done really quickly. He learned a ton from Mr. Pudewa in that one day and the instruction has been well-used all year. Also, a friend of mine whose kids are in honors classes in their local public school attended the seminar with one of her high schoolers, and she said that what was taught at the seminar is very applicable to what her kids are continually being assigned at school, as many of the schools (out here, at least) have transitioned to assigning many SAT-type of essays instead of the 5-20 page semester papers that we were assigned in high school. Will Mr. Pudewa be teaching it, or will someone else from IEW be running the seminar?

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