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Because "reinventing the wheel" is a little bit fun? :p

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I've have literally sat here ALL DAY outlining our American history plan for next year.


I have owned Elemental's American history program... as well as MFW's Adventures in US History... and they were just missing something.  Or they were too much something, I'm not sure which...


I was planning on using Beautiful Feet's Early American primary, but after looking at the samples more closely.... I think it's not quite what I want, either.


I have The Complete Book of US History ... and I've decided that it's a start (but that I don't quite want to do what others have done with it).  


So what's a mom to do?    :willy_nilly:


Well, I can start with spending the day:

  • searching online and through all the history resources I own
  • and cross-checking reading lists with the local library's online catalog, to see what I won't have to BUY
  • and making notes on fun activities I see Pinterest
  • (and while I'm on Pinterest, I might as well make my own board to collect all this information)


Hmmm... I wonder what my kids have been up to today.... :o :o

I know I'm not alone in this... (nor am I alone in my love of ellipses :D :D)


Who else has reinvented the wheel?  (and for what?)

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I'm reinventing the wheel for US history as well. I couldn't find anything that I liked- one is too easy, one is too boring, one uses too many books we've already read, one is too preachy, one is too expensive... I'm a couple of steps behind you because I don't own anything. I've got about 1 day's worth of the 1st unit done! LOL! I am waiting for the books I ordered to arrive so I can continue.

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I also am reinventing the wheel on American History.  I'm working on an American History lit based curriculum for my dd's 1st and 2nd grade year.  She hasn't even started official kindergarten yet  :leaving:


What can I say, I enjoy researching books and field trips!  We just moved near Washington DC and will only be here for 3 years - I really want to take advantage of the history of the area.  Or I may be trying to fill the voids in my own poor history education...  :huh:

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